How could you?

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"Don't leave me like this, I thought I had you figured out." I sob out. Harry takes my hand gently.

"I'm so sorry Chloe... It's just that I can't do this to you anymore. I like you a lot but I have really strong feelings for someone else and I don't think it's fair to you. Goodbye.." He lets go of my hand and jogs off in the direction of the Great Hall. 

I can't even eat right now. We dated for seven months, then all of a sudden he breaks up with me for no reason other than he apparently likes someone else. I bet it's because he was getting so much shit for dating a girl in Slytherin. But I honestly thought he liked me...

"How could he." I mutter to myself, walking in the opposite direction.

"H-hey Chloe! Are you alright? I saw what happened. God, I always knew he was an asshole." None other than Draco Malfoy says catching up to me.

"I, um yeah. I'll be fine." My body chooses at this moment to begin crying and he opens his arms, welcoming me into a hug. 

I step forward and he embraces me, stroking my hair. I put my arms around his waist and take in his warmth.

"Thank you." I mumble against his chest. "I really needed a hug."

"No problem. I don't mind." He says. I pull away and he offers to walk me to the Great Hall. 

"I have an idea. What if we walk in hand in hand and show to Potter you don't need him. Plus it'll make one of my wishes come true." He smiles at me.

"What? Showing up Harry?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Well yeah, that, but also being able to hold hands with the most beautiful girl in school." He smirks.

I think about my features. I have long blonde-ish hair, and hazel eyes. My body is decent I guess, not much of a chest, but with a decent sized butt, or so i've been told by my friends. I'm by no means beautiful, but i'll go with it. I mean, who wouldn't, it's Draco Malfoy telling me i'm beautiful.

"Well thanks, and I think that's a good idea." And so we walk into the Great Hall hand in hand. I see Harry laughing with Ginny Weasley, until we walk by them. He turns and stares at us, then our hands. That's right Harry. Maybe I liked someone else too.


405 words in total. Heyyyy guys. So i'd really appreciate it if you commented, or dm'd me. Other than that idrk. I'm feeling better today. My boyfriend is probably coming over after school and yeah! Have a good day lovelies.

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