The dance

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"Hold up. Sirius Black asked you to the formal??" My best friend Jackie whisper-shouts at me while frantically flailing her arms.

"Yes, yes he did. So are you going to keep freaking out or are you gonna help me find a proper dress for the dance?" I roll my eyes, blushing.

It was kind of a big deal that he asked me. I've liked him for awhile now, but I never thought he returned the feelings. We head up to our room and see one of our other roommates dancing around, holding a dress in front of her.

"Hey Millie! I take it you've got a date?" I ask kindly. She's always been kind of shy, but she's an absolute sweetheart.

"Yes!" She says softly. "Daniel Svere. He asked me in the common room... Oh it really is quite exciting isn't it?" She beams.

"Yes! You guys would be so cute. Speaking of dances... Ms. Hail here was just asked by THE Sirius Black." Jackie smiles proudly.

We talk it all over and explain everything that happened. By the end of it, Millie has agreed to lend me a dress that I can wear for the dance. It's a light blue ballgown dress embedded with gems and shiny things. All in all it's a bit girly for me, but I do agree with them, it looks beautiful, and it compliments my eyes. However it is a complete opposite from my natural fire red hair.

"You'll look fantastic. I'm so happy for you!" Jackie squeals, pulling me in for a tight hug. Then I hug Millie and thank her for letting me borrow the dress.

"Well... Let's go tell Mr. Black the color of your dress. He absolutely must match with you." She takes me by the hand and drags me out of the room and down the stairs. Peter, Remus, James, and Sirius are all sitting around the fire, talking excitedly.

"Oh! Hey guys, what's up?" James appears to be in a better mood than usual and is practically bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Oh well I just uh, I wanted to let Sirius know, my dress is light blue.." I smile shyly. He smirks up at me.

"Sweet. Can't wait to see you in it." He winks and I giggle lightly.

"Hey Jackie? W-would you perhaps um, go to the uh, dance with me?" Remus stutters. He looks down at the floor.

"Are you serious? Of course! I already have a dress. It's pink.. but not obnoxiously pink. You know?" She rushes out. I laugh and she blushes.

"Well hey, James, why are you so happy?" I ask. He just beams up at me. 

"He finally asked Lily. She said yes!" Peter squeaks from the arm chair he's sitting in.

I let out a slow clap. "Wow James. I'm proud. Also confused but that's for another time."

We all laugh and eventually head back to our rooms. As I lay my head down a vision of Sirius and I dancing gracefully appears. I smile sleepily and fall asleep.

~~~~~An hour before the dance~~~~~

"Thanks so much for doing my hair Lily! I appreciate it so much. I could never do it myself, and everyone else is getting busy and I'm so happy you got dressed an-" She interrupts me with a   loud laugh. 

"I'm happy to help. Me, you and Jackie are going with the three most popular guys in school. Of course we must look our best!" She sing-songs and continues curling and pinning pieces of my hair up.

Eventually she finishes and I stand up. I've already slipped into my dress and had my makeup done. So now I'm completely ready.

"Wanna go down and hang out with the boys a little before we have to go?" Lily asks, fixing a stray piece of her hair.

"Uh.. Yeah, why not. Especially since Remus and Jackie are out doing who knows what." I smile and we head out the door. When we get down stairs the two boys are sitting in armchairs discussing something.

It's James that notices us first. His jaw drops and then Sirius looks over at us. His eyes start to twinkle and he smiles at me. He stands up and hold out a hand. "M'lady"

I put my hand in his and he lowers his head to kiss it. When he looks up and stares into my eyes I can feel myself blushing hotly.

"Well. We should go. Get some good seats to put our stuff and uh, you know, yeah." Lily says and when James looks at her in confusion she sends him a death glare, and then nods and agrees. They walk out of the common room and I'm left alone with Sirius. 

"Hey... Can I tell you something?" Sirius asks, taking my hand in his.

"I-uh-yeah!" I stutter. Merlin, there's just something about him. Maybe it's his dark hair, his brooding eyes, or how tall he is... All I know is that he gets me every time.

"Well.. I have really liked you for awhile now. And I was wondering, would it be okay if I kissed you?" He says softly.

I nod and he brings a hand up to my face and we lean into each other. When our lips connect, I feel myself melt. I wanted this for so long and now I'm finally getting it. His other hand lowers down to my waist and he pulls me closer to him. He breaks away from the kiss and I pout. He chuckles and then moves his lips to my neck. I gasp and my hand goes to his hair. I can feel him smile against my skin.

He pulls back and kisses me again. "So. The dance or..."

"Oh well um. We were supposed to go to the dance but I'm kinda not feeling it now..."

He smirks at me and takes my hand, then leads me up to his room.


988 words in total. Sorry sorry sorry that I haven't uploaded in forever. I had all my electronics taken away and when I was at school I rarely had the chance to write. But all of a sudden I got hit with the wanting to write. I would've written in more *cough* detail but I'm currently in one of my classes and there are people around me so aha. No. But I really hope that you liked it!!

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