The law of coffee

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This is a modern AU with drarry. Harry is the cute barista that flirts with an everyday customer named Draco. Draco thinks it's normal and that Harry does this with everyone.


"The usual?" The messy haired boy asks, looking up at my from under his hair. He looks especially good today, with a tight fitted black t-shirt and his hair falling in front of his face. I nod and watch his toned arms move as he makes my order.

"So, uh. How's your day been?" I quietly ask. 

He tells me that it's been good, but really slow. Apparently not a lot of people come into a coffee shop at 3 in the afternoon. 

He hands me my coffee with a smile and when our fingers touch briefly I feel a slight tingle. I blush and quickly take my coffee. I hand him the money and as I'm leaving to go he calls my name.

"Draco!" I turn around and raise my eyebrow. He gets kind of flustered and rubs the back of his neck. "Uh would you maybe like to go on a date sometime? Not in this cafe?"

I must looked shocked because he looks disappointed. I quickly put a smile on my face. "Yes! I uh. I'd love to Harry.. Does tonight work?"

He nods enthusiastically and smiles broadly. I turn around and head out the door. As soon as I leave I let out a huge breath and bring my coffee up to my mouth. I take a little sip and smile into my cup. I have a date with Harry. The incredibly cute barista asked me out. On a date. Don't mind me just casually freaking out.

I regain my regal look that I put on for the outside world. I don't want to broadcast this to other people just yet. Who knows if this will go anywhere (I really hope it does).. I open the door to my law firm and say hello to the font desk lady.

"Hey Mary, I'm back. Kinda chilly outside." I say, fluffing my hair up. I head onto the elevator and go up to the fifth floor where my office is. As I get out I'm hit with a burst of warm air, which causes me to shiver. I nod to some of my co-workers and they smile back politely. When I make it to my actual office I shut the door behind me quietly.

My office is bleak, and not very colorful. There's not really anything unique about it, other than the large window behind where I typically sit. I've thought before about maybe putting in a bold toned couch for visitors, but then realized I don't usually have people visit me. So instead, there is a single chair seated in front of my desk. I've fired many people in this room, and it's depressing to think about.

I sigh and sit in front of my desk, feeling the warm rays of the sun on my back. I get back to work, plugging in numbers to a computer and sending emails. Some time passes, and I'm honestly not sure how much. My phone rings loudly, jarring me and breaking my focus.

I sigh and answer it with "Hello? Malfoy speaking." 

"Uh hi sir, sorry to bother you but there's a man here that says you have an appointment with him?" She sounds kind of squeaky and I assume it's the new secretary Jane. "He says his name's Harry? He isn't in the schedule and I can totally call security if he isn't supposed to be here." She whispers the last part.

I chuckle and tell her to send him in. A few moments later my door slowly opens. "Hey! Um, I didn't know what time you got off, but I figured it'd be sometime soon.. So I just dropped by to say hi and talk about plans for tonight." Harry says, rubbing his neck.

"Oh! Yeah yeah, sorry about that. We never talked about details." I get up and walk over to him. Well now I really wish I had a couch in here, or at least a more comfortable chair. 

"You don't really have much furniture in here do you?" Can he read minds? Is that a real thing? I sure hope not because I have thought of some.... questionable... things around him.

I grimace and apologize. He shrugs and goes to sit in the chair at the front of my desk. I sit on the edge of the table with my hands folded in my lap, and I can feel his eyes on me.

"So, what were you wanting to do tonight?" I ask, turning my gaze to him. He is looking at me intently and when he stands up I'm confused. "I-."

He interrupts me with a kiss. It isn't forceful , and I know I could pull away if I wanted to, but I don't. So instead I hesitantly put my hand on his lower back and gently pull him closer to me. I can feel Harry smile into my lips and I feel like I'm in heaven. But all too soon I'm brought back down to earth and he pulls away. 

I can't help but sit there with my eyes closed for a minute before opening them and seeing him looking at me again. My cheeks flush and he smiles. 

"That's really adorable you know." He says putting his hand on my arm. He slowly runs his fingers up my bicep, to my shoulder, then reaches my neck. I shiver and stand up. 

I roll my eyes and kiss him again, harder than how he kissed me. My hand goes up to his hair and I gently grab some. I break away from the kiss and he allows me to pull his head back slightly, giving me a better view of his neck. I bring my lips to his collarbone gingerly and leave a trail of soft, small kisses up to his ear. He grabs at my sides and pushes into me, causing me to gasp lightly. I take a small step back from him and grin, knowing exactly what my ideas were for tonight.

Man, I really wish I had a couch in here.


1036 words!! How was that folks? Good? I sure hope so. Loooove it. And I have so many reads now, I'm shook. It's not like, a super huge amount compared to some books on here but I'm still super proud of myself! Thank you guys, so so much for choosing to read these weird little stories I've written. I hope you enjoy them cause I (usually) love writing them. Anywhoooo this ones all done now. So comment or vote or whatever if you want! :) 

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