More headcanons

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1.The reason Seamus blows stuff up is because he is distracted by Dean

2.Draco actually really cares about the Golden Trio by the end of the series

3.Draco gets a pet cat that is snowy white and she makes friends with Crookshankes

4.The marauders were really hot when they were younger (even Peter was cute)

5.The marauders had a Christmas tree in their room and gifted each other an ornament every year

6.Sirius lived with James because he couldn't stand to go home

7.Draco talks to Dobby about Harry , and that's how Dobby knew so much about him

8.The twins both liking you

9.You and one of the twins dating and things get heated at the burrow but the  other twin walks in

10. Dating harry but then you realize he likes Ginny and breaking up but remaining friends

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