The War.

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This was an idea from @cxddls.


"D-Draco. I'm scared." I mumble into his chest. He hugs me close and holds my hand. 

"Darling don't be scared. It'll be okay." He says.

All of a sudden there's a large bang and the Slytherin common room door bursts open. One of our fellow students comes rushing in shouting things. "Guys! We're allowed to fight if we want! Let's go!"

I look at Draco and he lowers his head.

"Well, even if you don't fight, I am." I drop his hand and walk out the door. I run out to where the fighting is all happening and send a few stunning curses at the death eaters. A spell wizzes past my ear and I hear someone, I think Draco, yell Avada Kedavra. I hear a thud behind me and turn around. Draco is panting from running so much and having to cast such a powerful spell.

I run up to him and give him a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He kisses me for a brief second. Then he takes my hand and stands back to back with me. With shoot spells off rapidly, trying our damndest to protect each other.

All of a sudden I feel a shooting pain in my chest. I fall to the ground screaming, and I feel arms grab me just before I hit the ground.

"Baby, baby are you okay??" I hear Draco say, but it sounds gargled. I try to say yes but nothing comes out and my vision starts going blacker and blacker. Everything is getting fuzzy and I can't focus on his face anymore. Then everything goes black.


269 words in total. Pretty short but I really wanted to write about it. Sorry if you find this sad haha. I'm trying to get a friend of mine over. Oh yeah! Me and my boyfriend broke up a couple days ago.. Oh well. It's like 6 and a half months didn't mean anything. Ha ha. *cries* So anyway trying to get my friend Spencer over becuase he's really nice and cares about me and what happens. Any way y'all have a good day!

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