Oof hey guys

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I'm so so sorry! I haven't been able to update since school let out because I didn't know you could make new parts on mobile! And I'm not going to lie, I haven't really had any inspiration and I haven't felt like doing much.
Here's an update on my life: I got a boyfriend! We've been dating for almost a month and I've known him for three years but it just never worked out until recently. He's really the best and I'm super happy!! I also got my first job! I'm working at one of the hotels in my town and it's actually not that bad! I havent hung out with any of my friends since school let out other than maybe twice and not for very long either... so that's not the best but :/ I also have a doctors appointment on the 31st so I need to get put on some anxiety meds (I left my pills in NC when I went there for a month this summer) I also need to talk about my eating which really isn't going to be fun... and I kind of really hate my dads girlfriend! I thought she was okay, and then she tried acting like my mom, and at the same time was telling me a bunch of stuff about my dad and was talking crap about my step mom so that was annoying as hell. Me and my sister haven't been getting a long that great which i think may partly be my dads girlfriends fault plus now I'm 17 (btw I had my birthday while I was in NC!!! IM 17 NOW) so I probably just don't get a long that well with her since she's 9 anyways lmao. And my dads gf also tried talking crap about my best friend and that made me pissy so I kinda low key freaked about that. And we also got a new cat! Her name is literally kitty (I didn't name her btw) but she's gorgeous haha. Ummm not a whole lot else has been going on other than me being hella annoyed all the time. But hopefully that'll get better once school starts :) oh!! I saw my history teacher in Walmart today! He said hello and I kind of smiled politely but then I look up again and was like "woah! I didn't even recognize you, hey!" I DIDNT RECOGNIZE MY OWN TEACHER. It was embarrassing but 🤷🏼‍♀️ we talked about school a little, and he asked me if I was ready and excited to go back and 😂 I gave him a look and he laughed and was like "yeah I understand" and my boyfriend went off to college which is a good thing because where he lived before was over 2 hours away, but where he goes to college is only an hour away!! So I'll hopefully be seeing him more which is amazing.
Okay sorry I was just ranting so much I'll stop now lmao. Thanks for being patient and I promise I'll try to get something up soon for you guys! (All 5k of you!) so goodbye for now and have a good rest of summer! Or if you already started school, then I'm so so sorry and I hope it goes alright 😂

 Thanks for being patient and I promise I'll try to get something up soon for you guys! (All 5k of you!) so goodbye for now and have a good rest of summer! Or if you already started school, then I'm so so sorry and I hope it goes alright 😂

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