A Semi Fresh Start

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The doctor took a deep breath which instilled fear and worry in the agent in front of him. 

"On the way, Alyssa was extremely unstable. Her heart was beating , then it wasn't. However she fought her way to surgery. However it happened again, she started crashing. That's why the wait was longer than expected." the doctor informed Derek.

"And...?" Derek replied, desperate to have the answer he wanted and wishing it wasn't the answer that seemed likely. 

"She just made it" he said. "She's resting but you're welcome to wait with her"

Derek was overjoyed, doing cartwheels in his head. He followed the doctor eagerly to Alyssa's room. Alyssa lied comfortably in her bed, her eyes shut. She seemed so peaceful. Derek rushed to her side.

"By the way, Alyssa practically saved her own life" the doctor added from the doorway.

"What do you mean?" Derek asked

"Her belt that she tied against her waist to stem the bleed, it saved er precious time. She's smart and it paid off" he replied, leaving and disappearing into the bustling hallways. 

Derek held Alyssa's hand securely but not tight to avoid waking her. With one hand, he grabbed his phone and messaged the team.

About half an hour later, the team entered with pink balloons and cards. Derek smiled and laughed at them as they tied the balloons to Alyssa's bed. All were excited to have a front row seat for Alyssa's reaction. Derek explained how much of a close call it was, how close he was to losing her.

"She's a fighter, like someone else I know" Penelope laughed, her eyes beaming at him. Alyssa's eyes began to flutter and the team grew excited. Alyssa's eyes opened and fully and her face became stunned as she stared upon the balloons.

"What the..." she said. Everyone laughed and Alyssa attempted to sit up.

"I want one" Alyssa demanded but with a smile. Derek placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You need to rest" he said. Alyssa quivered her bottom lip, pointing at the balloon.

"She can have one!" Penelope insisted. She untied one of them and held it close to Alyssa's hand. The girl clutched it and smiled widely. Alyssa's pulled it down, nearer to her face and began to hit the balloon with her finger and giggling at it. 

"You seem happy" Derek commented as Alyssa continued to hit the balloon.

"I might be a little high on the morphine" Alyssa replied and the room burst into a never ending laughter. 

A few hours passed and the team had left, leaving Alyssa and Derek alone.

"So, what did I miss?" Alyssa asked with a smile, keeping the happy mood alive

"Marcus was charged, all thanks to you. You're smart, kid" Derek replied

"That's good, I was scared you wouldn't find it. At the time, I actually thought I was going to die. At first it was scary but after a while...it wasn't. "

"It's okay. You're here now... again" he replied with a laugh.

"I know, I hope that this is the last time I'll be here but I wouldn't promise it" Alyssa chuckled "I was also thinking..."

"Thinking about what?"

"After everything that's happened, with Alison and Marcus and... basically everything. I think I want to move schools, where my old best friends are. A...'semi fresh' start. You were right about Kara. She changed me, I don't think I really fit in with them. I never really liked cheerleading."

"I can agree with that. But we're gonna run out of schools to send you too if you keep getting into trouble"

"I won't" Alyssa said then a man entered through the doorway. It was her grandfather.

"I heard about... well everything" Henry explained, in his hands was a closed white envelope with a small box that had a pink bow tied on it. He walked over and handed them to Alyssa. Alyssa tore open the envelope, pulling out a Get Well Soon card with a pink teddy bear on the front.

"I didn't know which card would suit this occasion" Henry said, laughing a tiny bit under his breath. Alyssa joined him and placed the card on the table. She placed the gift on her lap, undid the bow and lifted the lid to reveal a golden locket.

"Thank you so much" Alyssa said, lifting the locket from it's box and holding it delicately between her fingers.

"Open it" Henry added. Alyssa opened the locket. Inside was a picture of her mother on the left.

"Hanna sent that picture to me not long after you were born. She barely contacted with me so I kept hold of it for dear life" he joked, pointing to right picture where Hanna smiled with Alyssa,as a baby, cradled in her arms. Alyssa thanked her grandfather before he left. She put it around her neck and held the locket in her fingers. She fell in love with it.

A Few Months Later

Alyssa entered the iron gates of the cemetery with Derek close to her. She walked close to Hanna's grave and replaced the flowers with roses. Hanna's favorite. Alyssa walked past the graves and stopped in front of one and laid down another set of flowers. Ally's, Destiny's and Alison's. She walked across the rows and stopped at her final destination. Scott's. She set down a set of flowers and stood.


 Jeremiah 31: 34 "For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."

-Alyssa Grey


Alyssa switched schools and celebrated her 15th birthday during summer break. Kara was sad to see her go but over a few weeks, Alyssa noticed the lack of interest Kara had in her. When Alyssa's first day began, she marched proudly to the Principal's office with Derek by her side.  The principal was a woman in a black blouse and grey pants. Her light colored hair was tied in a messy bun and she greeted the two happily into her office which had shelves filled with trophy's, accompanied with pictures of football teams, soccer teams, math teams and gymnastic teams.  

"Okay, let's get started. I'm Principal Dawn" the woman greeted with a smile.

"Alyssa" the girl answered. "Alyssa Morgan" Derek and Alyssa smile to each other and continue with Dawn's questions. 

Alyssa was reunited with her best friends, Ella and Kylie who were over the moon to see their friend. They almost screamed in excitement. Alyssa hugged Derek tightly before letting him go. Derek left to the BAU and Alyssa left to her first class of sophomore year. 


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