And The Lies Keep Coming

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2 weeks went by, and Alyssa struggled to arrange meetings with Ally. She desperately tried to make it completely foolproof. She would meet with Ally on Thursdays. But only for 15-20 minutes at a time. It took 10 minutes to get there and to get back, and she knew Derek wouldn't believe her counsellors meetings lasted over an hour.

2 Weeks Ago

Alyssa returned to Ally's apartment to be greeted by her and Destiny, who began to warm up to her. After being greeted, they sat on the couch like last time.

"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" Ally kindly offered. Alyssa refused, saying she didn't have long like last week. Destiny played in her room while Ally and Alyssa talked about Scott. For someone Alyssa wanted to desperately forget and move on from Scott, she wanted to desperately know every detail about him.

"So why did he start killing families?" she asked Ally.

"I haven't talked about it in years." she started. "Before Scott was in the foster system, he had his own family. But when he was about 9 or 10 years old, his parents offered dinner to someone who offered to cut the grass and clean the windows. His parents were trusting people, and the guy was about 16 years old." Ally began to explain.

"Then what happened?"

"The guy pulled a gun from his coat and shot his parents from behind. They never saw it coming. His sister came downstairs and took a bullet to the chest. Scott heard the commotion from downstairs and just managed to escape from his window. He ran to a neighbour's house, who then called the police. "

"Scott had a biological sister?"

"He did. She was much older, though. She was...I think 23 years old. She was already married but I can't remember any names. But she ended up on life support."

Alyssa was stunned. It all seemed familiar. This is why Scott killed families. But what made him start 18 years later?

"What happened to the husband?"

"He wasn't there. He was on a business trip at the time. He had Scott's sister on life support for 18 years. Until he decided to turn it off."

"18 years. Is that even allowed? How could he possibly afford it?
18 years? Talk about grieving.

"He had the money. I remember Scott telling me that he had met someone else. After that, he stopped talking to me."

"That's why he killed families. Because of his sister?"

"It sounds insane. Scott was always the one to take revenge. I just thought it was his personality. But I guess it was a whole lot more than that. "

"Yeah, I guess."

Like the week before. It wasn't long before Alyssa had to rush off. She met Derek in the school parking lot and proceeded to lie and make up conversations she had Mrs Simons.

1 Week Ago

It became routine for Alyssa. Rushing to Ally's and rushing back to the school. And no one suspected anything. Now that Alyssa had gathered Scott's past, she was curious about her mother's past this time.

"Do you know anything about my mom's past?" she asked instead

"Sorry, not really. When your mother moved to our street, it was just her, her mother, Alyssa, the same name as yourself. "

"I was named after her,"

"Hanna told me before she moved away when she found out she was pregnant. She said if it was a girl, it would be called Alyssa after her mother, and if it was a boy, it would be called Henry after her father. She also had a sister... called..."


"Yes, that's it. How is Kayla?" Ally asked. Alyssa was shocked by that question. She didn't know? Alyssa told her the whole story. The explosion to the coma. The coma to the foster system and the foster system to her kidnapping. She also briefly mentioned Derek. Ally's hand covered her wide opened mouth.

"Who caused it, the explosion I mean?"

"We don't know. The same person who kidnapped my mom. We never caught him. The police figured it was someone who Scott forced or ran way afterwards, wanting nothing to do with it."

"That's awful,"

"Yeah, I guess it's a part of life's mysteries." Alyssa ended. When she remembered Ally mentioning her grandfather. Her grandfather planned the funeral for Jasper and Kayla but never showed up himself like he was supposed to. "What about my grandfather. I've never met him and I'd like to. Where can I find him?"

"He stayed in the same house they shared until your grandmother divorced him and took Hanna and Kayla with her. After that, he became depressed and secluded. But it's quite far away. About 2 hours from here. But you can get the bus."

"That's great, thanks."

Alyssa said goodbye after she received Derek's message, which became her warning sign that she needed to leave now.

"Alyssa, does someone know you're? It's just you keep rushing off." Ally grew suspicious, and Alyssa had to throw her off her tail.

"Of course, Derek knows I'm here. I just met him down the block. "

"Down the block?"

"Yeah, there's a corner store there. He usually grabs something from there. "

"Oh. For a second, I thought you were sneaking out your house or something. " Ally laughed off. Alyssa felt hugely guilty. Now she was lying to two people.

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