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Derek pulled up into the school parking lot. Alyssa's head looked down the whole ride and lifted it an inch.

"Have a good day," he said blankly. The girl nodded ever so slightly as she opened the car door and jumped out. She heard the sound of the car pull out and drive away slowly, but she didn't turn to see it. Instead of finding her friends, she quietly walked to homeroom and waited patiently. The memory of yesterday stayed in her mind. It was all she could think about. It killed her to know that she betrayed Derek's trust, especially how she accused him of doing the same thing only a few weeks ago.

"Alyssa! Feeling better?" Kara asked energetically. Alyssa put on a fake smile and nodded. The school bell rang, calling all the students in the crowd in the hallways to homeroom. Alyssa and Kara took their seats in the middle of the classroom. Kara sat near the window with Alyssa to her left. Alice entered and sat next to Alyssa and greeted them.

"Hey, wish I got to hang out with you guys, but I'm still grounded after the locker incident with Alison," Alice explained

"Still? It's been like months, " Kara said, sounding shocked. Alice nodded and flicked her blonde hair over her shoulder. 15 minutes into the lesson, the Principal's voice came through the speaker saying: Can the following students please report to my office, Jaxon Markey, Erica Markey, Kara Evergreen and Alyssa Grey, thank you.

Kara and Alyssa exchanged curious looks.

"What have we done now?" Kara announced her question out loud for the whole classroom to hear, standing from her seat and exiting the classroom, Alyssa not far behind her. They walked close together down the hallway to see Erica not far in front of them.

"Erica!"Kara called, Erica turned and walked towards them. "What's this about?"

"I don't know. Rachael, maybe?" Erica theorized. The three curious girls entered the office where Jax was already sat in one of the chairs by Crossley's desk.

"Come on in, girls," Crossley greeted, standing up and walking behind them to close the door. "One of you can take a seat, and the rest of you can stand."

The girls looked at each other, staying silent. Alyssa moved forward and sat down.

"Monica Winters has made a concerning complaint against you four. Apparently, you forced her into drinking alcohol and 'pranking' innocent people's houses!"

"Oh, that is total sh-"

"That's quite enough, Erica." Crossley cut off. "I'll talk to each and every one of you and get your version of events. You girls may step outside, and I'll start with Jax. "

The three girls stepped outside into the main office and sat on the plastic chairs near the door.

"I can't believe this! Do you think Rachael has anything to do with this? " Erica was quickly to blame someone

"Doubt it. Rachael's mom found out that she didn't tell her, " Kara defended, but Erica didn't seem satisfied at all. The principal called in Erica, and Jax walked away back to homeroom. The same happened with Erica and Kara until Alyssa was called in.

"Sit down, Alyssa. Let's get your version events, shall we?" Crossley said, he was more stating it than asking it.

Alyssa told him everything to the last detail. However, she didn't name Alison's house specifically.

"How did you feel about it?"

Alyssa shrugged. She wanted to forget this. She already felt ashamed after her fight with Derek, which caused her heart to break.

"Does your father know?"

"He's not my father, exactly. And yes. He does, " she said, but Derek was a father to her. The best she'd ever had. Even if he was the only one she had.

"How does he feel about it?"

"Why does it matter?"

The principal leaned back into his chair, crossing his arms while waiting for an answer he was looking for.

"I don't want to talk about it," she made clear

"Have you been seeing Mrs Simons at all?"


"Why Alyssa?"

"Don't want to. Can I leave now?" Alyssa asked, desperately wanting to leave

"I don't think Derek would be happy to hear that,"

"You remember his name?"

"I've seen both of you a fair share of times, now back to what I was saying,"

"He's already disappointed in me," Alyssa replied, she feel her mood plummeting as the words came out from her mouth

"I can imagine," Crossley said. Alyssa desperately wanted to leave now. She'd spent longer in here compared to the others and wanted to get this day over and done with. Despite Derek being disappointed with her, she desperately wanted to be with him right now. She missed him now more than ever.

"Now, can I leave?"

"You're quite eager to get out of here, aren't you?" Crossley sat up straight, pushing his chair closer to the desk, closer to Alyssa. "Can I ask why?" Alyssa remained silent. Crossley stood and walked towards the door. "I wonder why I have the feeling that I'll see you again in here sometime soon,"

Alyssa stormed out of there and walked to her classroom, thankful she was out of there.

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