A New Clue

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Marcus Crossley sat comfortably in his chair, answering vaguely or not at all to the questions he was bombarded with. Time was running out, if Alyssa wasn't found soon... she'd die if she hadn't already. That was the only thought that whirled around the team's heads. Weridly, Crossley never asked a single question such as 'why am I here?' after being caught.

"Why am I not in there?" Derek asked angrily, kept well away from the interrogation. 

"Because we need answers, and we can't do that if you're going to strangle him with your own two hands" Emily answered him. 

"I wo-"

"Scott" Rossi interrupted him

"What?" Morgan replies

"The time in prison when we found Alyssa completely in shock"

"I didn't touch him come on, man"

"You almost did"

Derek grunted, he hated that he wasn't doing anything to help. 

"For all we know, Alyssa could be bleeding in a ditch if she's not already dead by now!"

"I have an idea. We'll go back to the school and retrace their steps" Prentiss suggested, she looked to Rossi for confirmation. He paused, thinking it through. He nodded and all three drove back to the school. They walked through the school doors and made their way to the gym doors and stopped.

"Okay, according to Kara Evergreen, Alyssa finished practice and excused herself to go to the principal's office" Prentiss began

"Because she knew it was Marcus. But how?" Morgan added. The three agents stood confused, searching for a clue.

"Was Alyssa in a rush to go to school or anything about her behavior tip you off?" Rossi asked Morgan

"She was quick to get here this morning. She almost raced around the house, I thought she was excited to see her friends" The agent replied. "Maybe there was something in the case?"

"What case?" Prentiss asked

"Her grandfather gave her it. It was mainly filled with pictures of their family" 

"Do you still have it? Maybe there was something in there"

"It's at home"

"Okay, we'll stay here and continue retracing steps while you go get the case"

Derek agreed and rushed out the school and drove away. Meanwhile the remaining agents carried on retracing Alyssa's steps. 

"Okay, if I'm Alyssa, I walk into the main office where the office ladies are" Emily said, standing in front of the desks.

"One of them said she asked to go see the principal but when she looked, Alyssa was gone"

"She must've sneaked into the office"

"Whatever evidence she had must've been solid. But why sneak in instead of waiting to confront him?" Rossi added. "If you sneak in somewhere, it means you're looking for something"

"So Alyssa must've found something that..." Prentiss began, still thinking it through

"... made her suspect him. But what could that be?" Rossi ended. They entered the office, taking a closer look when they realized that something wasn't right. 

To get a better understanding, Rossi and Prentiss replayed the scene to see if they'd missed anything.

"Judging by the blood pattern, Alyssa sat here" Prentiss stated, pointing to the side of the desk "and hid her phone underneath the desk"

"But look at the walls" Rossi began "blood sprayed the wall here and here" he pointed to the wall near the desk and chairs and the wall near the door. "Alyssa made Marcus repeat what he'd done to get it on recording. If she'd been shot twice, there's no way she'd be live long enough to do that"

"There's a second victim" Prentiss answered and Rossi agreed. "Judging by Alyssa's height and the blood spray, she must've been shot here, more likely her abdomen. So she's facing forwards." the agent stood against the wall nearest the desk and one of the chairs. 

"She saw the second victim be shot. The blood spray on the wall and on the floor here indicated that someone was shot in the head." 

The agents couldn't imagine how Alyssa must've felt. They felt awful how she was possibly forced to watch someone die. 

"Alyssa left that recording to make sure we found it. Maybe she left another clue for us" Rossi shared with Prentiss. "There were stains on her bag, right?"

"Yes, probably reaching for her phone"

"But Alyssa almost always kept her phone in one of her pockets for precaution to avoid losing it and having quick access to contact Morgan if something was wrong."

"And she hid it under the desk. What was in her bag?"

"Everything she did, she did it for a reason. The recording and the message she sent to Morgan."

Rossi left the room to look for anything out of place or anything off putting while Prentiss remained in the office and searched it.

"Come on Alyssa, what did you leave us?" she wondered 

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