Did All She Could

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Alyssa laid on the floor, turning the color red. She could feel her blood on her fingertips. Adrenaline and shock became her pain killer but if she didn't do something soon. Shock would kill her.

She had to think fast and logically. Crossley wouldn't just leave her, he's smarter than that. Alyssa tried searching her back once again and pulled out her phone.


Another call missed. Derek's stress levels shot through the roof. Why wasn't she answering? After minutes of pacing, a text came through. Derek ran to his phone at full speed.


"Office" Derek whispered to himself. What did that mean? After sending a few messages in the past ten minutes, no answer. Something had to be wrong.

The agent bolted to the car and drove to Alyssa's empty school. No one was there. He tried calling her again. Nothing. Although hesitant, Derek burst through the school doors into the corridor filled with lockers. He recalled his memory to find Crossley's office. That's when he started thinking. Maybe Alyssa got in trouble again. The thought of it tired him out. He pushed the door open, entering the main office where office ladies should be miserably sat where they wished they could go home. Something definitely wasn't right. Peace and quiet being a good thing did not apply in this situation. Derek looked down and crouched. A red droplet stained the carpet. And another. And another. All lead from the office door. Derek walked up and pressed his ear against it. Silent. He turned the handle and his eyes widened. No! It can't be.


Life drained away from the girl slowly but surely. It reminded her of the time she was trapped in the janitor's closet. She laid on the floor, accepting her fate. Just as she predicted, Crossley did return.


The team rushed to their given destination at Derek's request. Police cars not far behind them. Crime scene tape spread across the doorways, thousands of pictures were taken. Any pieces of evidence were numbered.


"You did all of this nothing" Alyssa stated. Marcus smiled

"I'm solving an injustice"

"That's.... what you... call it?" Alyssa barely managed to say. Her energy floating away.

"That's what I'm doing"

Alyssa smiled weakly. She slipped her hand under the desk. She'd done all she could now. She put her trust in the team to find it. To find Marcus. Whether she was dead or alive, she didn't care. She leaned against the desk, as she did she realized the red stained carpet. How long do I have left?

The Agent's Daughter- A Criminal Minds FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now