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Alyssa ran and ran until her lungs burned. She reached the front door and slipped inside, slamming it behind her.

"Alyssa?" Derek said, standing only a few meters in front of her. Was he waiting for her? She jumped and panted.

"Way to scare someone," She replied, her hands on her knees and began to regain her breath.

"Were you running?"

"I...didn't... want to... miss.... curfew, " Alyssa explained between breaths. Derek's eyebrows furrowed. But I didn't say a thing.
The girl regained her breath and stood vertically. She received the ultimate death stare from Derek.

"What?" She asked

"It's 9:37. Your curfew is 10:30. Try again, " he said. Alyssa felt backed into a corner. What could she say?
Well Derek, I drank a lot with friends, tried to egg someone's house but then an old man pulled up in the driveway and we all ran away to avoid getting caught when he started yelling at us

There's has to be a way out of this, she thought.

"Fine, you got me." She began. "I saw a dog down a few blocks. It scared me when it started barking."

"Alyssa, you once told me you used to beg your mother for a dog when you found out your neighbour adopted one."

That didn't work either. Alyssa was now out of options. Tiredness overwhelmed her, and she could barely see straight.

"I'm really tired. Can I go to bed. Please, " She begged as a sudden dizziness crept up on her unexpectedly. Derek looked upon her face, noticing how serious she was and how exhausted it was. 

"When you tell me what's going on," he pushed, determined to get an answer out of her

"Please, Derek. I'm exhausted. "

"Okay, go on up to bed, but we're continuing this in the morning," he warned her, but regardless, Alyssa felt relieved and couldn't wait another second to hit her pillow and fall as She made a break for the stairs and raced to her room, quickly changing out of her clothes and into her pyjamas and crumbling into her bed. Meanwhile, Derek remained downstairs, worried about Alyssa. He stood wondering: what was she hiding? 

When morning arrived, a nauseous feeling arrived along with a pain that grew in Alyssa's head. And it grew and grew as she held her head with her hands.  With little energy, the girl pushed herself off her bed  and made her way to the kitchen. She gave Derek a little wave as she entered the kitchen and gave a weak smile. She sat by the island, almost collapsing into her seat. 

"You alright, kid?" he asked, noticing her tiredness. It looked as if she had got no sleep since last night.

"I just have a headache, that's all," Alyssa assured. She had a few ideas about what caused it. She assumed it was from the running last night and the fright from that man... or possibly the drinking with her friends. Morgan poured her glass of water and handed it to her. Taking it, she drank it one go but didn't feel refreshed at all. Her nausea became worse, and she held her hand to her mouth. 

"Alyssa?" Derek called, worried. Alyssa jumped out of her seat and dashed to the bathroom. The pressure in her stomach increased more than before. The sick girl hunched over the toilet bowl as she started throwing up and coughing in between. Derek rushed to her side, holding her hair and rubbing her back, and he could feel the heat from her head.

"It's okay, you're okay," he whispered when there was a moment of silence before Alyssa threw up again. When Alyssa believed she had finished, she lifted her head up and flushed the toilet. Derek pulled her close, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He hated seeing her like this. Alyssa started to feel slightly better but not better enough.

"I'll call your school and tell 'em you're not going today," he told her, but she didn't respond. Instead, she rested into him and hoped she'd get better. 

The Agent's Daughter- A Criminal Minds FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now