Maybe Everything Will Be OK

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"Alyssa Grey?" a voice called, a man wearing a gray shirt, cream suit pants, and a tie.

"Yes," Alyssa replied, standing from her chair. The man gestured for her to follow and led her to his office. The principal's office was fairly small with a dark wooden desk with piles of papers and two identical  filing cabinets at each of the corners behind it, and the sun shone through the window in between them. Two blue plastic chairs sat in front of the desk, facing it where Alyssa sat opposite the principal, who sat behind his desk, which had a shiny golden name plaque with Principal M. Crossley written in bold black letters.                      

"How are you, Miss Grey?" the principal asked her after shaking her hand over the desk

"Fine, thanks," she replied, slightly slouching in her chair out of nervousness. She looked at the round white clock, hanging from the wall. 9:30 am. 6 hours to go. 

Derek pulled into the parking lot and climbed out his car, calling out to Emily, who arrived at the same time. Together, they entered the elevator, ascending floors. The steel doors split open, and the two agents escorted each other to the round table, where the rest of the team were waiting for them.

"How's Alyssa, by the way?" Prentiss asked on the way

"She's being distant again, and I don't like it," Morgan admitted

"Understandable. She's been through a lot, and she's only 14 years old. "

Derek agreed with her as they arrived at the round table where Garcia and Hotch debriefed them on their current case. Currently, three victims were abducted from their homes and found dead within 48 hours after their abduction, and neither had anything in common except one thing. Every victim and their eyes burned with acid. The team boarded the jet and took their seats close to one another where Hotch assigned their positions as soon as they landed. Morgan and JJ were paired together to visit the victim's families. Meanwhile, Hotch and Rossi would set up at the police station, and Prentiss and Reid would visit the morgue before all reuniting at the station. 

Derek and JJ walked out of the family's house and approached their SUV. They climbed in and drove to the police station. Neither had found any information that connected the victims. Out of the three victims, one was female with dark hair and eyes, and the two were male who both had blond hair, but one had dark eyes while the other had green. Both joined the team, who had already tried making connections on the bulletin board.

After making no breakthroughs, the team headed to the hotel and in their individual rooms, ready to start again when morning arrived. Derek parted ways with the rest and entered his room, closing the door behind him. He pulled out his phone and, without hesitation, rang Alyssa.

"Derek, finally," the eager girl answered, surprisingly full of energy

"Hey kid, sounds like you had a good day," he inferred from her enthusiastic tone of voice

"Definitely, I joined a gymnastics club, and I met a girl called Kara Evergreen."

"That's great, I'm glad you made a friend,"

"Me too," Alyssa said, restraining herself from screaming down the phone from her excitement  

The two continued to talk for half an hour. Both of them were extremely glad that Alyssa was able to adjust to her new school. After saying goodbye, both hung up and went to bed. Alyssa was ready to start a new day with her new friends, and Derek was ready to redo the whole day again to catch the unsub.

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