A Punishment Turned Scary

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22 Hours Before

Alyssa was frozen for a second, processing his words that cut deep like a knife.

"Kid, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, " the agent apologized. The girl began to say something but refrained. She ran to her room and slammed her door, placing her desk chair against the handle to prevent him from coming in. Which he tried to do.

"Go away," she yelled as she stared at her door's handle going up and down. Derek stopped realizing that she wasn't going to open up. And I wasn't surprised. He was angry at himself for saying that. He didn't know why he said it. He didn't even mean it.

6 Hours Before

Morning came, and nothing changed. Nothing could break this silence. Alyssa exited her room after getting ready. She made her way to the kitchen where a bowl of cereal waited for her. Derek saw her and opened his mouth to say something.

"Don't talk to me," Alyssa instructed, taking her cereal to the table. Derek knew he screwed up but didn't know how he could fix this. Morgan sat with her, but it wasn't long until she had finished as she had been rushing to eat, just to avoid the agent. Alyssa couldn't tell if she was furious or upset. She wanted to yell and cry at the same time.

"Alyssa," Derek began

"I said, don't talk to me," she told him, staring intensely. She held her empty bowl and rushed away to the kitchen.

1 hour before

Classes ended as soon as the bell rang in the hallways and classrooms. Alyssa rushed out, hoping to be unnoticed and escape detention.

"Alyssa Grey, where do you think you're going?" Principal Crossley said, stopping her in her tracks.

"To the cafeteria Principal Crossley," she said with a smile, one they both knew was fake. In the cafeteria, which had been closed for the day, she joined her friends Erica Markey and Rachael Winters and the mess that surrounded the floor and the walls. And somehow, the ceiling.
"Where's Alice?"

"She's 'sick' today," Erica explained. Erica was a tenth grader and a cheerleader. She had long golden hair and shimmering blue eyes. A part of her reminded Alyssa of Tia. A girl who she used to live in the foster system. Alyssa placed her bag near Erica's and Rachael's in the corner and helped clean the tables while the janitors cleaned the ceiling. Alyssa didn't make any progress being stuck with the slightly broken mop. She tried carefully not to snap it.

"If you want a new one, Alyssa, there might be one in the stock closet," one of the janitors told her. She thanked them and took up on their offer. Approaching the closet, she scanned through it but failed to find a spare mop. All of a sudden, the door shut behind her, leaving her in total darkness. She gasped but was relieved to discover it was just the door. She pulled the handle and pushed the door. But it wouldn't open.

"Come on, seriously," she thought to herself, pulling the handle up and down, but it wouldn't budge. Then the fire alarm blared. "Well, at least I get to miss a useless fire drill," she said calmly until she realized. Why would there be a fire drill when no one's at school?

"Crap!" Alyssa tried the door again, but it wouldn't open. She tried calling for help, but no one answered. The girl pulled out her phone to call Rachael. But there was no signal. the desperate girl tried waving her phone around aimlessly, but nothing worked. After a minute of panicking, she calmed herself down once again, convincing herself it wasn't serious. What could've possibly started a fire? No one was at school except her and her friends.

"Help," she called and called and called. But no reply called back to her. Alyssa placed her ear on the door, hoping to hear someone. Instead, she heard something crackling but couldn't distinguish what she was hearing. She managed to control her, panicking once more until smoke began to seep through the crack under the door.

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