Argument After Argument

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The team flew to Florida, gathering evidence and information they could find from the crime scenes and any witnesses. When all was revealed, the address of the unsub was sent to their phones. Morgan and Prentiss were the closest and were instructed to go. Bursting through the door, the agents drew their weapons and cleared the house. When 'clear' was said by both agents, they approached the hallway when a tall man's appeared from one of the doors. He looked to the agents with a surprised expression on his guilty face. He pulled out a gun before the agents had a chance to apprehend him. Derek fired to bullets, piercing through his chest but was too late. The unsub had already fired at Emily, who collapsed behind him. Derek rushed by her side as she began to stand. Derek desperately called for a medic through his mic, keeping Emily awake and responsive.

Alyssa's POV

I began to pack my things after receiving Garcia's text about the team returning a few hours. However, I didn't want to leave JJ and Will's. Going back home would mean more suffocating questions, which honestly felt like interrogations. Especially after what happened today. Derek can't know.

Derek's POV 

As Prentiss was being patched up by the doctor, I could easily tell she was itching to leave. As soon as she was bandaged up, Emily leapt off the examination bed and signed every necessary form to leave as quickly as she could.  I drove Emily to her apartment to drop her off and drove to JJ's to collect Alyssa, hoping she was no longer mad. My worry increased each day. I was afraid of her turning into Kara, I couldn't understand how they became friends. Alyssa is such a nice person and has good influence and manages to keep her cool despite everything. Whereas Kara...

Derek pulled up near JJ's house and approached the front door, knocking three times and waited patiently for an answer. Will opened the door and greeted the agent, waiting outside. 

"How's Alyssa been?" Derek asked, genuinely concerned for her. Will was silent for a few seconds before taking a step outside, closing the door a few inches.

"Alyssa was called to the principal's office today," he explained

"What? What for?" Derek was shocked at what he was hearing

"Apparently bullying another student, I didn't get the details because I wasn't her parent or carer."

Derek stayed silent. Alyssa wasn't capable of bullying anyone. JJ came to the door, curious at what was taking Will so long. She had her 3 year old son, Henry, sat comfortably on her hip with Alyssa by her side. Alyssa waved goodbye to the family as she joined Derek outside and followed him to the car. Derek was still confused about Alyssa. He couldn't understand her recent behaviour.  He began driving back, wondering if he should mention Alyssa's visit to the principal's office. It must've been serious. 

"Can we go to the store to get some..." Alyssa began, the first person to say a word 

"You got called to the principal's office," Derek spat out, incapable of holding it in any longer. Alyssa sighed and rolled her eyes. Of course, he found out. 

"It's not that bad. It wasn't even me,"

"Do you actually expect me to believe that, if it wasn't you, then who was it?" the agent asked, beginning to raise his voice at her and his dark eyes widening

"You do nothing but yell at me all the time," Alyssa yelled, combing her fingers through her dark hair

"I just don't understand why you're acting out like this. What's got into you?"

"I'm not, and why won't you believe me?" Alyssa shouted as tears began to roll down from her blue eyes

"It's this Kara girl isn't it, she's a bad influence" Derek desperately wanted to move Alyssa to a new school but he knew it would damage his relationship with Alyssa and she'd already settled in. 

"That's right, blame the first person who comes to mind, the first person I made friends with,"

Derek controlled himself, trying not to yell anymore at her when noticing the girl silently crying. They arrived home, and Alyssa headed straight to her room.

"Alyssa," the agent called, stopping the girl in her tracks. She turned around, avoiding eye contact and remaining quiet as a mouse. The two advanced to the living room, sitting on the couch, keeping a fair distance between each other. "So what happened? No yelling, I promise," he asked gently. Alyssa looked up and took a breath, composing herself.

"It wasn't Kara. She wasn't there, " Alyssa began. Derek nodded and let her continue. "My friend Alice Weathers filled Alison's locker with, well, I don't know what it was. Some kind of gooey substance. She brought my friend Rachael and I over and told us she wanted to  show us something funny. Alison opened her locker, and it all came pouring out on top of her, and it ruined all her folders and books. She saw us and told a teacher, assuming me and Rachael were involved as well."

"Alison Denver?"

"Yeah, she's kind of quiet, and it's made her an easy target."

"Did you tell the principal you weren't involved?" 

"Yes. He gave me a warning instead while Alice and Rachael got detention. He didn't believe Rachael, only me for some reason, " Alyssa continued to explain. Both felt guilty for over dramatizing their argument over something like this. After apologizing, Derek pulled her into a hug. Alyssa wrapped her arms around the agent and didn't want to let go. 

"You can trust me, Derek," she whispered

"I do, kid, I do. It's just been a rough couple of weeks, hasn't it? "

"I guess so" 

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