Get Together Pt. 2

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The door slammed shut,making the girl jump perfectly in sync. Jax appeared through the doorway snot long after, greeting himself to them. He placed a grocery bag on the grey carpet and began pulling out items.

"Got chips and dip" he did pulling them out and placed them on the table. "And cups," he added, also placing glass cups at the table.

"What did you buy them for when we have cups in the kitchen, you idiot?" Erica scolded

"Because that would be effort," he replied, not making eye contact and smiling at the other girls who also smiled at him. "Kara," he said, chucking some sort of container.

"What's that?" Rachael asked, leaning over Kara's shoulder. Kara opened it where identical eggs lay in rows. "What are they for?"

"Wait and see," Kara told her, slitting pulling away from her. She closed the container and placed near her feet near where Alyssa sat on the carpet.

Meanwhile, Erica opened the glass bottles, pouring a fair amount in each glass and handing them out. The liquid was perfectly clear, like its bottle. Like water

"What's this?" Alyssa asked, slightly concerned. Everyone laughed, and she felt awkward like she was being mocked by them.

"Oh I love you, you're so innocent Alyssa" Kara smiled, sliding from the couch and wrapping her arms around Alyssa and pulling her into a side hug before releasing her and returning to her original seat. "Go on, take a sip," Kara urged her, taking a few sips herself.

After hesitating for a few moments, Alyssa held the cup to her lips and sipped. The taste was awful and was so strong. She pulled away barely, swallowing what she had. The whole group laughed while the girl coughed.

"The first sip is always the worst. You just need to get used to it." Jax assured, patting her back.

Night came faster than expected, and Kara was excited. Kara gulped the last drops, placed her cup on the table, picked up the container, and stood up.

"Come on," She said eagerly, herding everyone like sheep. The group stood and followed Kara out the door and down the empty street where lampposts lit their way, protecting them from the dark while attracting moths at the same time.

"Where are we going?" Alyssa asked from behind. She was oddly happy and excited. The feeling absorbed her body.

"You'll see," Kara replied mysteriously, leading them through the darkness. They arrived at a house with overgrown grass and dead flowers. The place looked uncared for and abandoned. "Come on,"
The group followed Kara into the trees near the house where they blended in. Everyone smiled, but Alyssa.

"Oh, I get it now," Rachael said, everyone giving their head a slight nod but Alyssa, who was beyond bewildered.

"I don't," She revealed shyly.

"This is Alison's house," Rachael explained to her. The knot in Alyssa's stomach tightened again but quickly loosened strangely.

"If I'm right, her father isn't home, and she's home alone," Kara explained

"Why is everyone home alone today?" Alyssa asked

"Mine and Kara's parents are always away, and Alison's a father is never home. Plus, today is the anniversary," Jax added

"Anniversary of what?"

"When Alison's mother and sister were murdered, so she says," Kara replied in disbelief. Those words cut through Alyssa like a knife. She wandered if the group could her heartbeat, too.

"By who?" She asked, but she already knew

"A serial killer called Scott Hills. He killed like... a bunch of families and his ex-girlfriend too, " Rachael added. "Apparently, he had a daughter,"

"It's true. She would be our age, I think." Erica explained behind a tree, staring upon the house.

"Really?" Alyssa said, pretending to be shocked. The girls continued to explain the story she already knew extremely well.

"He threw his daughter into a river. Now, she lives anonymously. She could be anybody. She could be you or Kara for all we know. "

Kara laughed, but Alyssa had force one and begged they didn't notice.

"Kara," Erica called,  holding out her hand. Kara grabbed the contained and opened it, but before she could grab an egg. A car pulled up into the driveway. Squeaking as I climbed the driveway and pulled to a stop.

"Crap!" Erica failing to be silent.

"Who's there!" An old sounding man barked to the woods.

"Screw this, I'm going home," Kara said, running away. The sound of leaves gave them away.

"I told you kids to stay away from my property, I'm calling the cops!" The old man yelled, jogging to his front door.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Rachael said, running to the left

"Bye, Alyssa," Erica and Jax's said before running to the right.

Alyssa ran straight ahead, racing home.

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