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Alyssa locked herself away in her room, enjoying solitude. But after a while, boredom took over, and she felt like she was just sitting there twiddling her thumbs. She wasn't allowed outside and was lucky to keep her phone. Derek allowed her to keep her phone, just in case something happened. Alyssa leapt from her bed and exited her room, looking for something to do. It felt awkward  around Derek after their arguments. She just wanted it to be over, but Derek had a point earlier. When the roles were switched ,and Derek was the one who wanted to make up, Alyssa refused until she felt better. 

"Alyssa?" Derek called from the living room

"Yeah?" she called back

"Come here for a sec," 

Alyssa almost raced down the stairs. Maybe he was ready to make up with her. She walked to the living room where Derek stood facing her.

"Your principal called me. I want to explain why?" he asked. He sounded angry.

"Before you jump to conclusions..." Alyssa began. Derek rolled his eyes but let her continue."...it wasn't anything bad."

"A parent complained about you and your friends, saying that you forced their daughter to drink. I don't know about you, Alyssa, but I'd say that's pretty bad!"

"It's all cleared up now, I promise. It wasn't like that. Rachael's mom jumped to conclusions when she smelt the alcohol on Rachael because she drank the most out of all of us." Alyssa tried explaining, but Derek looked at her in disbelief. She wondered if Crossley was out to get her, always making things ten times worse. 

"Okay, I'll believe you. How about seeing your counselor, or shall I say a lack of seeing?"

"I didn't think I needed one because it was only one nightmare. I'm doing just fine, honestly."

"Why didn't you tell me Alyssa?"

"I thought you wouldn't understand," Alyssa replied, and Derek scoffed. "But I know I was wrong now. 

"What made you think that in the first place?!"

"I don't know. A lot was going on at once. I didn't have time to think, "

"Okay. How about the other day when you were drinking with friends or the food fight. Did you not have time to think then either?"

"That's not fair, Derek!"

"How is it not?"

Alyssa didn't bother answering back. Instead, she stormed out and towards the stairs.

"Alyssa!" he called after her, but she ignored him. Derek didn't chase after her and let her go to her room. She flung the door open and slammed it shut so hard. The pictures on the wall shook in fear. 

About an hour later, Alyssa grabbed her coat and shoes and came downstairs, and aimed for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Derek said when hearing her footsteps to the door. He stood up and walked near her.

"I'm going to the cemetery, if you must know. Somewhere less stressful, " she said. However, Alyssa hated the fighting between them. She constantly wondered when Derek would forgive her and trust her once again, but the waiting was killing her. 

"Sure," he replied, grabbing his jacket and shoes.

"Can I go alone? I'll walk. "

"You heard what I said yesterday, Alyssa. I'm not letting you out of my sight. I'll wait in the car."

"I might be  a while,"

"Don't try and talk me out of it. It won't work," he told her. Alyssa rolled her eyes and sighed while she exited the house and made her way to the car beyond irritated. She climbed into the car seat and stared out the cold window to avoid eye contact or even glance at Derek, who climbed into the seat next to her. 

"So this is how it's going to be? I can't even go to the cemetery on my own, " Alyssa mentioned, quite annoyed. She couldn't even see her mother without being escorted. 

"I believe I made that answer quite clear  " Derek replied, glancing at her. Alyssa turned his way with sad eyes.

"Are you ever going to trust me again?" she said. This time, she didn't sound annoyed, irritated, or mad but sad and upset. Derek looked at her, then looked away without giving an answer. Alyssa sighed and rested against the window. "Guess I have my answer then, huh?"

 When the car pulled up outside the cemetery, Alyssa was quick to open the door and jump out.

"You can drive back, and I'll message you when to pick me up. I might be a while, that's all, " the girl said

"No chance, Alyssa. I'll be waiting here. "

Alyssa grunted and slammed the car door, racing through the gates in fury. She made her way down the path when she noticed someone standing by her mom's grave. A woman with dark hair with her hands on her heart. She seemed to be saying something.

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