'Life Saving' Right Time

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Alyssa waved goodbye to Ally and her daughter, and as per usual, she rushed down the stairs and out the glass door, taking a turn onto another empty street. She knew she would run out of time and take a shortcut, which would take her to the back of the school. All she had to do was sneak through the back entrance, go down the hallway and out the main entrance which, down the path with trees at either side, would lead to the parking lot. The girl speed walked down an alleyway and onto a quiet road. The trees were so tall they created a canopy over the road. The road weirdly seemed to be quiet for comfort, which didn't help the pressure Alyssa already had. 

The road was short, leading around a corner at both ends.  Alyssa walked to a crossing, looked both ways, and started to walk to the other side. All of a sudden, she heard a loud sound. Like a grumbling sound. Without having a second to think, she was pushed onto the road, almost flying across it and reaching the path. A light blue car whizzed by, not stopping or hesitating. It sped around the corner without looking back. She took a second to think, then she noticed Kara lying down next to her, her hand over her forehead. Kara stood up, lending a hand. Alyssa took it, and Kara pulled her up.

"Are you okay?" she asked in a panic

"Yeah, I'm fine. What just happened?" Alyssa asked. Still processing and calming down from the sudden adrenaline rush.

"I don't know. I was walking down the sidewalk, I saw you and tried to keep with you, and then I saw a car speeding towards you. I didn't think screaming your name would save your life, if I'm honest. I was actually heading to your place. It's about Rachael, but aren't you lucky!"

"I am. Right place, right time, I guess."

"Yeah, like life-saving, right time. We should tell the police, " Kara said, heading down the path. Alyssa grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

"With what evidence, Kara? Look around, there's no cameras. We don't have a license number. I don't think a light blue car will be enough for the cops. We don't breathe a word of this to anyone. You hear me?"

"Alright, alright. I hear you. If you're sure..."

"I am." Alyssa cut off. Now, she was definitely  late. "I need to go, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"So you were involved in a hit and run, and you want to carry on as normal like nothing happened?"

"Well, technically, I wasn't hit. And yes. Yes, I do want to carry on like everything is normal, " Alyssa told her firmly. She stormed away before Kara could think of anything else to say to her. Alyssa reached the school and came through the front instead of her plan of sneaking through the back. Derek saw her, walking down the street, entering the parking lot, and climbing into the car. Not saying a word.

"Where did you go?" He asked. Alyssa could sense the worry in his voice.

"My meeting with the counselor finished earlier than expected. I saw Kara, and we went to a store down the street to kill time. My phone was on silent, but I rushed here as soon as I saw your message." she said. What started as one lie to meet someone turned into a spiral of them or a web even. 

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