Awkward Encounter

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I'd visited my mother's grave as her birthday came nearer. Scott had his grave, too, but I refused to see it. Occasionally, I'd see my uncle Jasper and Aunt Kayla, I was their only visitor. A part of me wished he was alive, I had so many questions that he never answered. It had been 5 months since I had started high school, and I've already made a huge group of friends and joined the cheerleading team along with my best friend Kara, who I admire. Derek and I had recently returned home from Chicago after visiting Derek's family for a couple of weeks. I loved spending time with them, especially Desiree, whom I had bonded most with during our trip. Derek said he's noticed a change in my behaviour over the past few weeks since my meetings with my counsellor. I still hate.Derek has become more relaxed and less uptight. And I finally feel like we're a true family.

I walked down the stone path after cheer practice ,where the tall trees grew from the sides like a fence, with Rachael by my side. The place was quiet. The only sound of our steps and the occasional bird flapping its wings against the tree's leaves were to be heard. I wore a pair of leggings, a baggy top, and a hoodie with my school bag over my shoulder and my duffel bag over my over shoulder carrying my uniform and sneakers. Rachael hadn't put in the effort of changing, remaining in her blue and white uniform with her pearl white sneakers and socks, which slouched on her ankles. I waved her goodbye as I approached Derek's car. I climbed in and pulled the door shut while being greeted by him. 

"Hey kid, how was practice?" he asked as I threw my school bag over the backseat.

"Good, I'm starving. Can we go to that cafe down the block?" I said, I skipped lunch, and I was dying for something to eat.

"Sure," Derek agreed, starting to drive away from the school. I opened my lilac duffel bag, pulling out my water bottle as I took a few sips. I could feel the ice like water run down my throat like a waterfall. We pulled up outside the cafe. It was quite small but cute with its smell of coffee, which lingered both inside and out. Derek and I approached the display cases containing all the mouth-watering treats. I gazed upon them, dreaming of every single one on my plate. 

"Which do you want?" he asked

"All of them," I said, still gazing. I could hear Derek and barista laughing at my reply. I finally came to the hard decision on what to order, a tuna fish sandwich and a brownie. Derek ordered a coffee and a doughnut. The barista collected our orders, placing them on small white plates on  a tray and handing it to us. We carried it to the table nearest the window. 

"I'll be right back, I'm just going to the restroom," I excused myself after finishing my food and made my way to the restroom. Afterwards, I approached the sinks with the mirror mounted on the wall in front.

"Alyssa?" a voice with a foreign and weirdly familiar accent  said from behind. It was a girl with blonde hair, which was dyed pastel pink at the bottom with hazel eyes. She wore a long sleeved black top and light pink skirt . It took me a while to recognize her.

"Anneleice?" I said, completely stunned

"Yeah, hey," she said, approaching the sink next to me, washing her hands. It suddenly fell silent.

"So, how have you been?" I asked her

"Good, how about you?"

"Good. I thought you moved to Canada, " I said

"Visiting family for the week," she replied. Anna turned off the faucet, and water immediately stopped running. Then she examined me from head to toe. "Nice outfit."

"I just had practice so..." I explained

"Oh, did you take up soccer again?"

"No, cheerleading"

"You're a cheerleader now?" she replied, almost like she didn't believe a word I said. It fell silent again as I felt obliged to say something else.

"Have you taken on... any...extracurriculars" 


"That sounds cool," I exclaimed, but she didn't say anything. She just nodded and moved her eyebrows upwards slightly. 

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" She finally mentioned

"Yeah, I guess it has. We've been through a lot together, haven't we?" 

"Yeah. Rosa was a piece of work. " Anna laughed, and so did I, but we seemed to drag on our laughter awkwardly. It fell silent again.

"Well, it was... good seeing you again, Anna, " I said

"Bye," she replied with a faint smile. I walked out and joined Derek.

"You OK, you took a while," he asked me, slightly concerned

"I'm fine, I just found Anna,"


"Anneleice, the girl I used to live with, remember"

Derek remembered and seemed stunned like I was. I saw Anna walk out of the restroom and join her smiling family. She looked so different with her pink ombre. I was surprised she didn't bring up Scott or my mother. It's probably a memory she wants to forget. When I was saved from Scott and brought to the hospital, I only saw Anneleice once when she told me she was being adopted and moving to Canada in a few months. I wondered if she blamed me for Tom and Emma Thorne's death, I blamed myself for a period of time. They were such nice families, and they treated us like their own. The thoughts overwhelmed me as the memories flooded my mind. That time Derek called me to warn me, I walked in  and saw them. Lifeless and doused in blood that stained their clothes and the carpet their corpses lay upon.

- Alyssa Grey

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