Chapter Forty-Nine

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Eldon was on the cusp of sleep when Ashton's voice startled him awake.

"We have a problem," Ashton announced. Eldon propped up onto his elbows and glowered at him.

"I'm tired," he grumbled.

"This is important, Eldon." Considering Ashton's tone was harsher than normal, Eldon groaned and asked him what exactly the problem was. Ashton folded his arms across his chest, and his features hardened.

Dammit. Ashton meant business.

"When you and the savior decided to reveal your magic to Prince Henry, we let it go, figuring he would be the only one. Yet I just witnessed Princess Elouise revealing her magic to the prince's cousin." Despite Ashton's rising frustration with every word, Eldon couldn't even focus on what had him so riled up.

No. Instead, Eldon narrowed his eyes as he asked, "You were spyin' on Ellie?"

"I was checking on her to ensure she was fine," Ashton calmly defended. "And you may speak louder. Prince Henry is asleep."

"Her comin' down here wasn't enough to tell you she's fine?"

"I sensed something off about her."

"How would you even know? You dunno her that well... or at all."

"I"—Ashton stopped and shook his head. "That is beside the point, Eldon. Did you hear what I said? She's revealed her magic to yet another person. Can... can either of you grasp how much you are risking every time you involve another person?"

Eldon threw his legs over the bed and stood. "Ain't nothin' to worry 'bout. It's just Ivy."

"It does not matter, Eldon. You cannot go around telling people about this."

"You can't expect us to just keep this secret from our friends."

Ashton pointed a finger accusingly at him. "But how will you feel if anything happens to your friends because you involved them into something they were not supposed to have anything to do with!" Eldon flinched at the sudden rise in Ashton's volume.

Ashton's expression softened, and he quickly withdrew his finger. "I... I am sorry. That was... uncalled for."

Eldon looked away. "No, it's a'right. You got a point. Sometime ago, I saw somethin'. Like a look into the future or... I dunno what it was. I saw Henry and... I just, I get it. Consequences to everythin'."

Ashton shook his head. "Even though you saw something, you still thought it was safe to bring Henry into this?"

Eldon ran his fingers through his hair and shrugged. "No. It wasn't s'pposed to happen. Ellie and I just had to save 'im. Couldn't really avoid it. And I ain't sorry."


"I'll make sure we don't tell no one else. Ivy's the last person."

Ashton faintly smiled. "Thank you."

"But why's it a'right for Fayre to know, though? Don't seem to be any consequences there." Any bit of contentment that'd started to form on Ashton's face faded in an instant.

Ashton didn't give him an answer. He instead took a few steps back and eyed Eldon curiously. "There is something else I'd rather to speak to you about, Eldon." Eldon groaned, readying to protest, but Ashton quickly kept talking.

"I have... noticed something involving a certain someone."

"Oh, great," Eldon grumbled. "Guess I shouldn't be surprised that an angel is so observant."

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