Chapter Four

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After enduring a few dances with noblemen, Elouise made her way over to her ladies near the table of sweets. Mercia discreetly picked at chocolate squares while Ofelia indulged in a bubbly drink. Daisy stood beside them with her arms crossed, her blue-gray eyes duller than usual, making Elouise uneasy about asking her the favor she needed.

Mercia and Ofelia brightened upon Elouise's arrival. They scurried away from the table and took turns embracing her. 

"How have you been?" asked Mercia, releasing her. "We have not seen you since your birthday! I know Lia here has invited you plenty of times to Estria."

Elouise frowned. "Yes, I know, and I apologize. There has been much happening here."

"We heard about Arendice," said Ofelia. "Has His Majesty figured out a way to settle the debt?"

"We have enough to pay off most of it," Elouise explained. The gold Haven had gathered from them was steadily running out, though. "My father is considering asking King Victor for assistance to pay the rest."

Mercia wrinkled her small freckled nose. "Oh, King Victor. I must say, I'm relieved to not see his face tonight, but I am also surprised. This ball is to celebrate his brother's birthday."

"If you truly knew him, you would not be surprised." Though Elouise's cheeks warmed as she added, "And... well, I did not invite him." Mercia and Ofelia giggled.

Elouise then eyed Daisy who glowered at the crowd as if someone within it had personally offended her. Mercia noticed this and whispered to Elouise, "Her younger sister has been forced into an arranged marriage with Lord Berney's cousin, Lord Marshall. You remember him, don't you? Devastatingly crude?"

"That is not even the worst part," Ofelia added. "He is twelve years older than Daisy's sister."

"Could you two quit talking as if I cannot hear you?" asked Daisy, moving closer to them. She unfolded her arms and wrapped them delicately around Elouise's shoulders. "I apologize for my distance. As these two told you, I am a bit... peeved."

Elouise took a step back and stared upwards to properly meet Daisy's eyes. "I am so sorry. Why would your parents force Lydia into an arranged marriage?"

"She has been misbehaving. Instead of letting her embarrass the family name, my parents have decided they will marry her off so she will no longer be their problem."

"Ugh, the nerve they have!" Ofelia whined, stomping her foot and making her naturally perfect curls bounce.

Elouise blinked a few times when she noticed someone in her peripheral. She turned her head and her heart involuntarily fluttered upon seeing it was Eldon. Like Ivy, he had briefly left to change. Elouise looked him up and down as he approached her. His outfit mirrored that of the other noblemen: burgundy and gold doublet, black undershirt with puffy sleeves, and black pants tucked into a new pair of leather boots.

He bowed to her, making his hair fall forward. He carelessly brushed it back with his fingers when he stood upright again, leaving a few strands behind that seemed to tickle his eyes each time he blinked.

Elouise faced her ladies again. The three of them were very much intrigued by his appearance. She wondered if they remembered him from before. She explained to them that Eldon was now her personal knight. They exchanged knowing glances with each other, raising their eyebrows and smiling wider. One-by-one, they introduced themselves to Eldon.

Although she preferred having him near, Elouise thought it was best if she spoke to Daisy alone. So, she dismissed him and told him to enjoy himself. He appeared hesitant to move, yet he nodded to her and her ladies, then went on his way. She watched as Ivy found him and clapped her hands, praising him for his attire. He rubbed his neck away and looked away. 

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