Chapter Fifty

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After breakfast, which mostly consisted of picking at his food and taking small bites whenever Ivy looked at him, Henry left to bathe and unpack. Everything that'd been with Angus was left in his bedchamber, including Ashton Ward's journal. He put his clothes away and situated himself comfortably on his bed, clutching the journal in his hand.

Then a servant called out his name and knocked on his door. Henry sighed and set the book down as he stood to answer.

The servant cheerfully greeted him, then said, "A letter came for you last week. I just remembered and came immediately to give it to you." He held it up, and Henry tensed at the shape it was folded into.

"A heart," the servant pointed out. "You must have an admirer, Your Highness." Henry thought he should say something. However, his throat went dry as he gawked at the origami heart.

"... Your Highness?" the servant tried again.

Henry blinked hard and snatched the letter from him. He thanked him and closed the door, realizing the letter had some weight to it. Curious, he carefully unfolded it and jumped back when a small rectangle ruby fell out. He kneeled to retrieve it, exce[t the words scribbled onto the parchment caught his interest: In case you have forgotten about me.

He lifted his eyebrows and carefully picked up the gem.

Red like her hair.

Henry stood and nearly gasped when another knock came at his door.

"Henry," Ivy sang. "It's your two favorite women!" Henry could hear Elouise giggle.

He quickly stuffed the gem into his pocket and hid the letter underneath his navy-blue duvet.

"Come in!" he told them, plopping down at the edge of his bed.

Ivy and Elouise piled inside.

Although Ivy was smiling, Henry could see an evident strain to it. He looked at Elouise who also appeared uneasy now.

"What is happening here?" he asked.

"We'll tell you as soon as"—Ivy was interrupted by yet another knock.

Elouise went to answer it, revealing Eldon on the other side. "Oh! Good, you are here." She grabbed his hand and yanked him inside. She then closed the door behind him, and they both moved to stand beside Ivy.

Henry noted the way Elouise held onto Eldon's hand longer than necessary before letting go and clasping both of hers together.

"There is something Ivy and I must tell you," she said, glancing back and forth between him and Eldon.

Henry gulped, having an inkling this had everything to do with magic. He'd briefly considered when he would ask Ivy about the necklace, but he hadn't expected the opportunity to come this soon. Eldon didn't appear as worried about this conversation, though. Then Henry wondered why that even surprised him.

"I, I told Ivy everything," Elouise confessed, holding her head high. She flashed Henry wide, guilt-ridden eyes, adding, "I know we said we could keep her safe if we didn't—"

"It is alright, El," he stopped her. She blinked slowly, and Henry switched his attention to his cousin who smiled innocently at him like she'd done something defiant. And he then forgot what he'd wanted to say.

Instead, he arched an eyebrow and asked, "What is that face for?"

"There's more we need to discuss," Ivy admitted, sitting down beside him. "It's my turn to do the explaining." Henry's pulse quickened, and he searched Elouise's eyes for any sign that assured him this wasn't as bad as his mind wanted to convince him it was. Unfortunately, Elouise turned her head, avoiding him.

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