Chapter Fifty-Five

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Hours must've passed before Eldon grew tired of aimlessly wandering about.

He never was one for this kind of celebration. Careless drinking had never appealed to him and socialization outside of his friends didn't interest him either. Really, he only agreed to come here because Ivy and Leanne talked him into it; and they were both having enough fun on their own.

He decided to find Elouise, so they could go somewhere quieter alone. Yes, that sounded more like his style.

He first spotted Booker and Annaliese. Booker poured his soul out while Annaliese nodded and loudly agreed with everything, throwing her cup in the air, and spilling its contents. Oh, they were both very much intoxicated—something he hadn't yet seen before. Eldon snickered at them and left the dining hall where he found Henry seated on the steps of the staircase, his head resting against the railing. Eldon approached, and Henry raised his head, grinning lopsidedly at him.

"E-Eldon!" he cheered, attempting to get up. After a few tries, he finally succeeded and embraced Eldon, dropping his empty chalice down the steps.

"You are the b-best," Henry slurred, squeezing him. "You... you are my best friend." And when he pulled back, Eldon made a face, fully taking in the awful stench of alcohol coming from Henry.

Eldon stepped back. "Where's Ellie?" But he knew very well he wasn't going to get an actual answer from Henry. Not like this.

"Ellie," Henry repeated, drawling it out like he was testing how the name rolled off his tongue. Then he shrugged and lost his balance, plopping back down. He scratched his head. "I... I think I forgot."

Eldon sighed and sat down beside him. Gently, he put Henry's left arm around his shoulders. "A'right, you gotta lie down." He stood, carefully hauling Henry up with him.

"Where're we going?" Henry questioned, allowing most of his weight to rest against Eldon.

"I'm takin' you to my bed."

"Eldon." Henry chuckled. "You should've at least taken me somewhere nice first."

Eldon ignored that, and they began the long, long trek to the highest floor. Henry kept tripping over himself and using the wall for support, and then he'd refuse to go any further. Eldon forcefully dragged him a few feet until Henry gave in and complied again.

Once they got there, Eldon slowly sat Henry on his bed. As he tried laying him down, Henry grabbed at Eldon's shirt.


"Eldon!" Henry suddenly shouted, causing Eldon to flinch. "There is, there's... there's something I have to tell you. Because I, I don't want to hide this from you anymore."

Eldon felt his muscles tense, and he furrowed his eyebrows. "What're... what're you talkin' 'bout?"

"Ah, yes," he then heard Ashton's voice from the other side of the room. Eldon whipped his head in his direction, gaping at him.

Ashton halted at the foot of the bed. "At every gathering like this, there is always that friend who becomes horribly inebriated."

"Shuddup," Eldon hissed at him.

"I have not said anything yet," Henry dimly responded.

"I didn't mean..." Eldon sat at the edge and huffed. "Never mind."

"Make sure to lay him on his side in case he—" Ashton gestured to his mouth, his face scrunching up. Despite glowering at him, Eldon obliged.

Henry refused to remain still.

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