Chapter Sixty

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Henry hadn't entirely lied.

He had taken Angus and they had headed out... to the tavern.

His pathetic promise to Eldon that he wasn't going to have another drink the rest of the day kept ringing in his head. Even so, the guilt didn't prevent him from entering the building.

He sat at the counter and waited as the bartender was preoccupied with another guest.

What am I doing here, he wondered, you cannot go down this path again.

"I was hoping to drop by the castle to see you, Prince Henry," he heard the infuriating voice that belonged to Udolf. Henry peered over his shoulder and groaned, finding the man seated at a nearby table, nursing a drink in his hand.

"And what would you like to say to me today?" Henry challenged. "Enlighten me, sir."

Udolf stood from his seat and walked over, joining him at the bar.

"I would like to apologize, of course," he said. "I suppose I was bitter when I realized Haven had given you something. As I mentioned before, she always sent me gifts. This time, however, I received nothing—not even a letter." He mindlessly swirled the liquid inside his tankard.

Henry sat up straighter, furrowing his eyebrows. "Do you still have... feelings for her?"

Udolf chuckled lightly. "I do believe I'm finally free of her hold on me. But that doesn't mean I'm not offended that she didn't think of me, too. We are still accomplices, after all, and we've known each other for years."

Henry rolled his eyes. "You almost killed her."

"I wouldn't have gone through with it. I had my reasons for that little display."

"Such as?"

Udolf smirked at him. "I knew Her Highness would come to Haven's rescue, and I wanted to witness her"— he checked around—"magic for myself."

"Oh, did you? And what would have happened if Elouise hadn't done anything?"

"As if that could've happened. She is such a caring soul. Yet that is beside the point, Prince Henry. I am sorry, and I hope you can forgive me."

Henry blinked hard and frowned. He wondered if Udolf had a talent for feigning an apology that sounded sincere or if it were a genuine statement. Either way, his chance to respond never came. The door was thrown open then and a woman fled inside.

"They're everywhere!" she shouted, glancing around at everyone. "Those demons! They have our people trapped within their homes!"

"What is she saying?" Henry questioned Udolf.

"Why are you asking me that? I have no idea."

"But you"—Henry stopped, opting against bringing that up right now. Instead, he slid off the stool and hurried to get out of there. The woman noticed him and gasped, then dropped to curtsy. He nearly ran past her without acknowledgement, but he lingered and decidedly asked her to elaborate.

"A few of the knights that were protecting the other regions came by earlier," she began. "They informed the market guards that villages are being overrun by the enemy, and the people cannot leave their homes without being attacked."

Henry's heart dropped.

"It is horrible, Your Highness!" she wailed. "Horrible!" Her frantic eyes slid to something behind Henry. He turned his head, watching as Udolf drew closer.

"Why are you still here?" the woman hissed at Udolf. "Return to the depths of hell where you belong." She spat at him.

Henry gawked at her, then at Udolf as he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand and sneered at the woman.

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