Chapter Fifty-Three

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Where did someone go after being caught kissing the princess?

Well, Eldon had no idea. He decided hiding away in his room was a start. He burst through the door, feeling hotter than he ever had during long workdays back in Ilsen.

"You've returned sooner than I thought you would!" Ashton's elated voice startled him. Eldon cursed under his breath and glared at him, causing Ashton's smile to slowly dwindle to nothing. Ashton then looked Eldon up and down.

"You are flushed," he stated. "Are you feeling well?" But he laughed and waved him off. "That is a preposterous question, actually. You are a healer! The greatest benefit of having such an ability is that we are never ill."

"Can ya leave?" Eldon asked. "Why're you here, anyway? What, yer just gonna hang 'round my room all day?"

"This used to be mine, too."

Eldon averted his eyes. Ashton was getting that stupid concerned look on his face again—the one where his eyes went wide, the creases between his brows deepened and his lips were parted.

"Truly, Eldon, is something wrong?" Oh, wonderful. Ashton even had a sad little tone to go with that look.

"Yeah... but I ain't gonna tell you what."

"Why not?"

"It just, it ain't... no." Eldon groaned, and he let his shoulders fall. He then dragged himself over to his bed and dropped onto it. "Maybe you were right."

"Considering how disappointed you seem, I am sorry—wait, what exactly was I right about?" Ashton moved closer and stood near the foot of the bed.

"Ya know... that thing you said 'bout feelin's. I think I get what you meant now... it's—it's harder than I thought it'd be." Gah, he sounded so pitiful. When had he become this way? He used to not care about this sort of thing. Except that was before he'd met Elouise, before he got to know her, and before his damned heart opened to her.

"It is difficult, I know," Ashton said. "But you are young, and you will eventually find someone else—"

Eldon gazed over at him. "I don't want no one else."

Ashton rubbed his neck. "What happened, exactly?"

"I ain't gonna talk 'bout that with you."

"Oh. Unfortunately for you, that was enough of an answer."

"Shuddup," Eldon grumbled, his cheeks becoming warm again.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Sorry. I'm just—I'm frustrated with everythin' right now." Eldon rolled his eyes. "Includin' with you." He leaped from his bed and came face-to-face with him. "You still won't answer my question. Why am I the only one who can talk to angels?"

Ashton's expression softened. "If I told you, you would not believe me." He said this with a meekly tone Eldon had heard Kristopher use with Davidson and Mary before.

Eldon swallowed hard. "How would ya know that?"

"I will tell you, but you must promise you will not immediately disregard me."


"Now say it as though you mean it."

"Fine. I won't disregard you." Eldon even tried incorporating Ashton's dialect into his statement. And he didn't do too badly, he thought.

Ashton didn't appear convinced by this promise, and Eldon wished Elouise was by his side. She always knew how to make others comfortable, even if it was just with a reassuring smile.

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