Chapter Sixty-Four

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Elouise practically flew in through the inn's entrance, startling poor Darwyn who'd been dozing off behind the counter. However, he grinned at her. She pointed to the staircase and asked him if he'd seen Udolf.

"Yes, Your Highness," he answered. "He just went up there, actually."

Elouise thanked him and clutched her skirt before running up the steps. When she reached the top and peered into the corridor, she spotted Udolf unlocking the door to his room. He opened it, and she cried out his name. He paused in his step and glanced at her—bemused, if the slight raise of his brows was any indication. Either way, she knew from that face that it was still genuinely him.

"Your Highness," he blandly addressed. "I am not necessarily in the mood for conversation right now."

Elouise exhaled, her body relaxing. "I apologize. I had to come see you."

And a light smile suddenly turned up the corners of his lips.

"You... did?" he asked, softly.

She made her way over to him and released her gown, moving her hands behind her instead. She beamed up at him and nodded. Her mind drew blanks now, though. She couldn't fathom how to explain this to him without saying, "Oh, the Angel of Healing told me."

Elouise gestured to his room. "May we speak in private?"

Udolf further pushed open the door and swept his arm inside. She entered, and dread filled her stomach. When she was last here, she'd just left the castle after seeing Marigold's body...

"You're getting me used to these visits, Your Highness," Udolf said, and she turned around. He closed the door and leaned his back against it. Then he folded his arms across his chest. "What am I to do without you once I leave tomorrow?" She could sense the sarcasm in his tone, but she mainly focused on what he'd informed her of.

"You are leaving tomorrow?" she questioned.

"What kind of a leader would I be if I left my people wondering where I am?"

Elouise raised her chin. Then she fiddled with the silk bow on the side of her gown and decided there was no facile way to say what she came here for.

"When was the last time you spoke to Godwin?"

Udolf chuckled and shook his head. "Why am I not surprised you are here to talk about that again?" Then, to himself, he murmured, "As if you would have any other reason for speaking to me."

"I am asking because I want to advise you to stay away from him as much as you can."

"And why would I do that?"

Elouise sighed. "Please, Udolf. I'm merely trying to protect you."

"You're protecting me?" He pulled himself away from the door, his arms dropping at his sides. He then strode toward her, a smirk tugging at the right side of his mouth.

"Y-Yes," she quietly replied.

He stopped in front of her. "And what has caused this sudden interest in my well-being?"

"Godwin is dangerous."

"I am aware."

"He can be dangerous to you."

"I am also aware."

"What are you aware of, precisely?"

"He is a vengeful spiritual being," Udolf casually stated, shrugging a shoulder. "Need I say more?"

Elouise squinted at him. "Are you aware he is using the same body that he used a hundred years ago?"

"I am."

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