Chapter Fifty-Four

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Henry was about eighteen years old the last time he allowed himself to drink so heavily that he lost consciousness. He woke up the next morning, unable to quit his dry heaving for hours or soothe the excruciating pounding in his head.

He kept that in mind now as he downed the pungent alcohol and slammed the tankard back down on the counter. He scrunched up his face and cleared his throat. The taste was far stronger than the drinks he had in the Ilsen. However, he shrugged, figuring it simply needed some getting used to again.

"Another round, Highness?" the bartender asked as she wiped down the counter with a rag.

"Yes, thank you," Henry told her. She filled his cup and nodded at him before stepping away to attend to someone else.

Henry took a deep breath. He shouldn't be here, he knew that. Yet he couldn't bring himself to leave. He dug into his pocket and retrieved the ruby, incredulously examining it. He'd been thinking back to the night she left, wishing he could change various things about it, such as never going out to meet her. She could've left without a goodbye, and he would've buried the memory of her in the back of his mind. Instead, she left him with something to remember, and he despised her now for that.

He set the ruby down and took a swig of his drink, momentarily shutting his eyes as it burned on its way down.

"I would have never taken you for a drinker, Prince Henry," he heard from behind. Henry blinked hard and peered over his shoulder. He tensed when he saw Lord Udolf.

Udolf sat down in the stool next to him and whistled to gain the bartender's attention. She returned and asked him what he wanted, the irritation in her tone never wavering. Henry chugged more of his drink. He needed assistance if he was going to sit here with him.

"And what do we have here?" asked Udolf, plucking up the ruby. Henry furrowed his eyebrows as Udolf carefully looked over the gem.

Udolf side-eyed him after a moment. "Hank?" A soft chuckle escaped him. "How adorable." He returned the gem, and Henry hastily stuffed it back into his pocket.

"She used to give me plenty of gifts, too," Udolf mentioned, reaching for his tankard. He held it up to his lips and smirked. "Charming, isn't she?"

Henry felt something twist inside his chest. He swallowed hard, recalling what Haven had told him about her... past with Udolf. She'd assured him she'd never loved Udolf, and he held onto that promise as he drank more.

"You might want to slow down," Udolf suggested.

"I can handle it," Henry murmured.

"Why are you—a wealthy and respectable royal—doing drinking here, anyway? Is the castle short on supply?"

"I'd rather not be found right now."

Udolf turned his body toward him. "Oh, what is the matter, Your Highness? Was the ruby not enough?" He patted Henry on the back a few times. "Don't you worry; she'll come around. Then she'll leave, come back, then leave again, and make her way around so you don't forget her. Eventually, you will get used to her routine."

Henry emptied his tankard, his heartbeat thudding faster. Aching.

"Why are you telling me this?" he questioned Udolf. Udolf pursed his lips, squinting curiously at him. Henry shifted uneasily in his seat, shying away from that piercing stare.

"You remind me an awful lot of myself, Prince Henry," Udolf finally spoke.

Henry widened his eyes. "Oh." Goddesses, he was slightly offended.

"Yes, I know what you are thinking: how dare I compare you to me—the scum of the Outlands?"

"I do not think that way of you. Truthfully, it would be unfair of me to judge you when I do not even properly know you."

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