Chapter Forty-Six

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Elouise wasn't certain if she truly felt a hand on her shoulder. After a few shakes, however, she knew this was no dream.

"Wake up, Your Highness," the person persisted.

Elouise slowly blinked her eyes opened and saw a young soldier kneeled beside her. He withdrew his hand and exhaled in relief.

"We found you," he said, beaming at her and making his blue eyes sparkle. He could not have been much older than her, though she couldn't gather any familiarity about him. "After all this time, we found you—here, of all places."

Then, as the fogginess from her slumber cleared, she realized he was a royal knight.

Oh, no.

Elouise hurried to her feet and moved away from him, making her head spin. He quickly followed, holding up his hands.

"Don't be afraid," he assured her. "We are going to take you back home. You'll be safe now!"

"W-What..." We?

She gathered her courage and glanced around. There were at least six of them—a few she briefly recognized from watching the soldiers train in the barracks. They had a carriage with them, and she heard angry voices coming from inside. When she couldn't spot Eldon, Leanne, or Henry anywhere, she headed over despite the young knight's protests.

In the back of the carriage, her friends were held against the wall, their wrists restrained by padded cuffs. Another knight scolded Eldon for squirming.

"What are you doing?" Elouise demanded, causing them to flinch.

"Ah, Your Highness," the voice that belonged to none other than the captain reached her ears. Elouise whirled around. "You're awake! Good. You seemed so peaceful; we did not have the heart to wake you immediately."

Elouise gritted her teeth. "What are you doing to them?"

He raised his eyebrows. "By order of the king, Sir Eldon, Prince Henry, and now evidently Squire Leanne, are to be arrested and imprisoned for the abduction of the princess."

"Abduction?" Elouise glanced at her friends who were glowering. Then she faced the captain again. "Abduction?"

"There is no need to fret, Your Highness. We are taking care of everything now—"

"You are not taking of anything! I demand you release them, because they did not commit the crime my father has accused them of!"

"Yes, he did say that would be your response."

"It is the truth!"

The captain offered her a small and condescending smirk. "I apologize, Your Highness, but I promised your father that I would bring you back home and fulfill his orders. These are my orders, and I will not disobey my king." He turned to walk away, but Elouise groaned and rushed to stand in front of him, abruptly halting him.

"And I am your princess," she said. "You cannot deny me. Let them go!"

"It's fine, El!" Henry called out. "It is not worth the fight."

Elouise ignored him and said to the captain, "You should be ashamed for arresting the Prince of Caelum—our ally."

"No harm will come to him for that very reason," the captain promised. "Your father will write to King Victor and settle out—"

"That is not good enough!"

"Your Highness," another knight tried, sliding into her view. She was a tall woman with warm hazel eyes and a wide smile.

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