Chapter Eleven

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Elouise did not mind what she wore during this trip. She ensured she packed her two best cloaks and a few pairs of gloves, and figured if she truly began to freeze, she could light a fire. Truthfully, her biggest issue—she realized as she exited her room and heard the light taps of her slippers against the floor—was that these little shoes wouldn't last an entire trip through the mountains.

Unfortunately, the only pair of boots she owned—obtained during her days disguised as Booker—were tearing now. She had little hope they would last any longer than her slippers. They would not be very warm either. Other than those, she did not own any other pair.

Fortunately, she knew a woman who owned plenty. New and old.

Fayre walked toward her now, wearing one of her many pairs of leather boots. She had also changed out of her funeral attire, opting for breeches instead of more skirts. She held her hands out to Elouise, and Elouise took them.

"How are you faring?" asked Fayre.

After losing her composure in front of Eldon, Elouise would say she was... "Fine. I'm... I'm fine, Fay."

Fayre raised an eyebrow and looked her over. "Well, you don't seem to be lying. But, Elouise, if you need someone to speak to—"

"I can speak to you," Elouise finished. She'd heard that from just about everyone.

Fayre smiled knowingly at her, then suggested they head downstairs. Elouise walked beside her, keeping her head low as to avoid looking any of the servants in the eyes. This would be the first time she joined everyone in the dining hall. She'd managed to eat a little last night and this morning. After a few bites, however, everything simply began to taste bitter or have any lack of flavor. Perhaps she would have better luck now. She needed to keep up her energy, after all.

Elouise and Fayre were the last to arrive. Food and drinks were quickly served to them, yet Elouise noticed how nobody even touched their plates.

Ivy picked up her fork and pushed around her vegetables. Henry downed his drink and asked for a refill, then another. He was oddly nervous about something. Elouise couldn't figure what.

Finally, her father broke the silence, asking her what she planned to do tomorrow. Henry suddenly choked on his drink and roughly set the chalice down. He brought his fist up to his mouth and—somewhere between his persistent coughs—he apologized. Elouise squinted at him.

Then she shook her head and said to her father, "I haven't decided yet." She picked up her fork and stared down at her plate, trying to see what seemed most appetizing. None of it did. She sighed, admitting defeat, and dropped her utensil.

What was she to do about her father? She knew—too well—how he behaved whenever he panicked, and she wouldn't doubt Ivy and Henry would be the first to be questioned. She supposed she was at least relieved they truly wouldn't know where she was either. There would be no need for them to lie, and her father would soon realize they were telling the truth.

Elouise managed to eat some bread and carrots. After that, she was done. She excused herself, and as she turned to leave, she glanced back at her father. Before she could change her mind, she rushed to his side and embraced him. Then she left, deciding she would write out a note for him so he would understand her disappearance wasn't the result of something terrible.

Out in the corridor, she figured now would be the best time to teleport into Fayre's bedchamber and... borrow a pair of her boots. As she walked off to find a secure spot to teleport, she heard Ivy call her name.

Elouise spun around and saw Ivy running over to her.

Ivy gracefully stopped in front of her and grinned. "Oh, I'm so relieved I caught you before—" and her eyes slightly widened, along with her cheeks gaining a darker shade of pink.

"Before what?" Elouise asked.

Ivy giggled. "Before you went to bed! You've been going to bed early lately, which is unfair for me who still has plenty to talk to you about at the end of the day!"

Elouise frowned. Yes, she hadn't been spending her evenings with her friends anymore. She didn't think she would have been missed, though. "I am so sorry, Ivy," she said softly, fiddling with her pearl ring.

"You can make it up to me by hearing me out now," Ivy told her, looping her arm through Elouise's. She lightly tugged her along. Elouise sputtered, failing to find a way out of this. Fayre would likely retire for the night soon...

A few minutes wouldn't be risking too much, right? And she wouldn't get to spend time with Ivy for a long while after this. She couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"What is on your mind?" she inquired.

Ivy puckered her lips and thoughtfully gazed upward. "Do you ever get urges to do something you know you're not supposed to do?"

Elouise curiously eyed her. "What is this about, Ivy?"

"It's nothing awful, I promise you that. There's something I'd like to try, something new and different. It's mostly for the good of others."

Elouise smiled at that. For the good of others... that was certainly something Ivy would do. "Well, then, I would encourage you to go through with it."

"Really?" Ivy beamed. "Then I will!" She stepped back as if she was readying to leave. Then she paused like she'd remembered something else she'd wanted to say. She moved in close again, and Elouise stiffened when she was suddenly embraced and kissed on the cheek.

"I love you, Elouise," Ivy cooed. "I hope you're aware of that."

Elouise sucked in her lower lip and bit down hard on it, urging away the stinging forming in her eyes. Ivy pulled back and smiled sweetly, wishing Elouise a good night before turning away and skipping down the hallway. Elouise watched her go, worried how long it would be until she saw her again.

She couldn't change her mind. Not now. She had to do this.

Elouise glanced around, ensuring no one was near, and teleported to Fayre's room. Thank the Great Holy Deity, Fayre hadn't arrived yet. She rushed to Fayre's dresser and snatched the first pair of boots she spotted. They were in fair condition—far better than hers. She hoped Fayre wouldn't miss them too much. She then teleported back to her own bedchamber and placed the boots next to her satchel and green cloak. All that was left to do was gather some food, water, and write out that note to her father.

"You can do this," she told herself. "Everything will work." As she searched for another bag to put the food in, her pulse quickened. I hope this will work.

Perhaps with enough hope, it would.

Elouise teleported nearby the kitchen and lingered around in the shadows until the workers left for the night. She sneaked into the pantry and packed away a few loaves of bread. She wasn't certain how much food she was supposed to gather, but she figured Eldon could always hunt for more if they ran out. After grabbing handfuls of fruits and vegetables, Elouise teleported back, sat down at her desk, and plucked out a piece of parchment.

She wrote apologies for any distress her disappearance might've caused and for merely leaving a note behind. She assured her father—and anyone else who read this—she was fine and safe, and she would return as soon as she could. This was only temporary. At the bottom, she told her father she loved him and, one day, he would know why she did this.

Elouise folded the parchment and left it there. Surely, someone would come in here and find it. With that out of the way, Elouise considered going to see Henry and Fayre. Indirectly saying goodbye to them would make this a harder process, though. She hoped they wouldn't be upset with her when she came back.

Elouise turned in her seat, gazing at her surroundings. And she sighed.

She would return soon. It was only temporary, as she had written.

Yet it took every bit of her strength to stand and put her cloak and the boots on. She picked up the bags and walked over to her window, staring out at the spot in the field where she had told Eldon to meet her. She checked her hand, making certain she had her ring. Then she checked for the butterfly brooch, and she smiled.

"Yes," Elouise whispered. "I am ready now."

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