Chapter Thirty-Five

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Eldon knew he shouldn't be laughing.

Except he couldn't help himself when Elouise made the most adorable grunts whenever she missed her target. After about the twentieth attempt, Eldon stepped forward and lowered the bow with his hand.

"A'right, I think that's enough for now," he told her. "Don't want you gettin' too mad." He then kneeled and picked up an arrow she'd dropped. "Or waste any more arrows," he teased, standing back up.

Elouise groaned. "I can do better. I, I am merely distracted."

"With what?"

She puckered her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. Whatever it was, Eldon guessed she couldn't talk about it. She apologized for this, but he waved her off and moved to stand behind her, instructing her to raise the bow again. She did, and he carefully readjusted her stance.

"Let's give it another try," he said.

"Yes." Elouise took a deep breath and wrinkled her nose.

Eldon opened his mouth to offer another piece of advice when he noticed something move in his peripheral. He turned and caught a glimpse of the small child ducking behind a shrub. He chuckled, causing Elouise to lower the bow and face him questioningly.

"I think we got ourselves a spy," he informed, nodding his head in Noemi's direction.

Elouise glanced over and beamed. "It appears we do." She held the bow up to him. "I will go see what she needs."

Eldon took the bow back and started gathering the arrows still intact when he felt the tip of something sharp graze his temple, followed quickly by Elouise gasping.

"Don't move," a hushed voice warned. "We'll do this quickly and none of your other friends need to get involved." Despite the instruction, Eldon still turned his head to look up at his would-be assaulter.

Of course, it had to be them again. This young man in particular held up a spear to Eldon, his face covered as usual.

"What're you doin'?" Eldon demanded. "Leave her alone."

"Don't you worry, guardian. We just need a little something from her, then we'll be on our way."

"What?" Eldon leaped up onto his feet and spun around, earning himself a rough jab in his side with the dull end of the pole. The impact made him drop the bow and arrows to clutch his side. He didn't really care about the pain, though. Not when Elouise was being held in a choke hold by a woman.

"I said not to move," the man reminded Eldon.

"Let her go," Eldon growled.

The woman reached down and unsheathed a curved dagger from her side. She brought it up to Elouise's cheek and said, "We are not leaving until we get what we came here for." Then she revealed the tiny vial she held in her other hand.

"I, I could set you on fire," Elouise threatened, her voice frail and her breath shaky.

"You could. But will you?"

"If you do," the man spoke up, jabbing Eldon again, "he gets it. As do the rest of your friends. You don't think we came here alone, do you? No. We have others... watching, just in case."

They could be lying. It wouldn't be the first time they lied about something. Eldon knew that was a risk Elouise wasn't willing to take.

The woman chuckled and cut into Elouise's cheek, creating a long gash across. Elouise clenched her teeth, holding back a louder whimper. Eldon forcefully stayed put, shutting his eyes because he couldn't bear to see her like that.

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