Chapter Twenty-Four

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Four days later

Elouise wrapped her arms around herself and stared up at the stone gazebo. The small benches inside were blanketed in snow. She wondered who could've thought building such a structure in an area that was always cold, always snowing, was a good idea. It was beautifully made, though. She admired the small twirls carved into the pillars and almost reached out to graze them with her finger.

"When are we gonna eat again?" Noemi asked from behind. "We didn't eat yesterday."

Elouise frowned.

With every passing day, she felt the demeanor she'd been feigning dwindle further and further away. Still, she willed the corners of her lips to rise as she gazed down at Noemi. Then a genuine smile took over, because the heavy piece of fur Noemi wore swallowed her whole, allowing only her small head and her fingers to stick out. Elouise tugged at her own shawl, figuring she must look the same.

"Soon," Elouise promised, the pit of her stomach tightening.

They never did reach the Umbra Suas village.

After coming across Serene Crystals Lake, Elouise suggested taking a short rest and drinking some water. As they did so, Noemi picked more berries from a bush and stuffed them into the sack she'd taken from Greta. Elouise watched her with a smile until she heard horses and voices from above. They quickly hid behind some trees. Elouise peered over, searching the area for the source of the noises. Much to her horror, she spotted the familiar stern faces of royal guards.

"What, what is it?" asked Noemi, tugging Elouise's skirt.

Elouise then gasped and ducked when she thought one of them had glanced in her direction. Noemi tugged harder, eagerly repeating her question. Elouise couldn't speak.

How had they known to search for her here? How could they have possibly known she'd ventured out to these mountains?

Then her eyes widened with possible realization. She recalled travelers she'd encountered with Eldon and Henry, and how some were quite persistent of how much she resembled the princess...

The horseshoe clinks drew closer. Elouise's body went rigid when she heard a female's voice.

"A few of us should go check out the village nearby," said the woman. "Someone from there is bound to have seen something by now if Her Highness is truly out here."

"Who are they?" Noemi whispered. Elouise brought a finger up to her lips and shook her head. Noemi frowned, releasing Elouise's skirt, and diverting her attention to the sack of fur she was holding against her chest.

"Alright, I'll go," another guard spoke up. Elouise vaguely recognized his voice, though fear prevented her from peeking.

"I'll go with him," said someone else.

"Fine," the woman responded. "I'll continue to search the area." With that, Elouise heard two horses riding off. Then she held her breath as the woman and her horse crept closer.

If she ran, she would be spotted—easily. She doubted she and Noemi could outrun a horse, especially not one that belonged to a royal guard. Elouise bit down on her lower lip, bracing herself for the moment she would be seen.

Then an idea bloomed into her head.

She gazed up at the branches. Narrowing her eyes, she focused hard until one burst into flames. It quickly caught the next few on fire, and one quickly broke and fell right in front of the horse. Elouise exhaled in relief that it hadn't fallen on the guard instead. However, she soon jolted backwards, startled by the horse's terrified neigh and the guard's spew of heinous curses.

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