Chapter Twenty-Three

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Henry felt incredibly miserable.

Despite his drenched palms and the resting bile in his throat, he sat upright on Angus, hoping his face remained neutral. He was merely still nauseous from running earlier. Having no water or rest wasn't helping his case either. It would pass, though. Eventually.

Even if it didn't, he refused to ask everyone to put this mission on hold until his pathetic body decided to be kinder to him.

As they headed out of the village, they were stopped by a man with a scruffy brown beard and matching hair tied messily up in a bun. He clutched a spear at his side, though Henry mostly eyed the bow on his back. It looked like the one Iris had given him.

Kinsey rushed toward the man, embracing him warmly. Cora, who was riding with Henry on Angus, leaned in closer and whispered, "That's her older brother, Alymer."

Henry glanced over at Iris who was with Eldon. She appeared visibly irritated by Alymer's appearance. Once Kinsey broke out of the hug, her brother questioned where she was headed off to now.

"Weren't you off on a supply hunt?" he added, scratching his head.

"Yeah, but we ran into these two," Kinsey answered, gesturing toward Henry and Eldon. Alymer glossed over them both, squinting hard.

Iris went ahead and explained the entire situation to him. Before she could finish, however, Alymer was already demanding to join them. Henry frowned.

Kinsey, of course, was incredibly excited. She said, "Alymer could really help us! He's easily tracked down Infernum Cantavit before. If we can't find anything where we're headed, he'll know—"

"Yes, we understand," Iris cut her off, rolling her eyes. "Fine. Alymer, join us. The more the merrier." Henry raised his eyebrows. In the short time they'd been with Iris, he hadn't seen her get this irritated yet—and it was over one of her own. Did they truly want Alymer to join them then?

"Good," Alymer spoke up, grinning. He pointed to their right. "We'll head for the temple, but we can search through some of their hideouts on our way there."

"Yes, that was our plan."

Alymer and Kinsey started to lead the way. Iris urged Eldon to follow. Henry clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, and Angus moved on command.

"This is going to be interesting," Cora whispered to him.

Henry blinked. Quietly, over his shoulder, he asked her, "Why? What happened between them?"

"It's not my business to say... she just blames him for... for something. I mean, she says she doesn't anymore, but she's lying..." Cora paused and shifted her gaze to the ground. Henry then noticed Iris was staring back at them, curiously.

Henry shifted in his seat and stared ahead with a solemn gaze, hoping he could ignore both his sickness and the tension that was now within the group. He couldn't even decide which seemed worse.


By nightfall, Alymer suddenly instructed everyone to stay put and not make a sound. He and Kinsey then tip-toed away to investigate whatever they'd heard or seen.

Henry blinked a few times and rubbed his forehead, right where the ache was more present. He needed sleep, except he knew they wouldn't be stopping for rest anytime soon. Nobody else even appeared tired.

They waited there in the dark. No one dared to look or speak to each other.

After a beat, Kinsey reemerged and told them to dismount. "You're going to want to check this out." She turned and headed back.

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