Chapter Thirty-Three

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"Being a queen sounds like a lotta hard work," Noemi mentioned after Elouise finished explaining the queenly preparations she'd been enduring since she learned how to walk and speak.

Elouise nodded. "It can be, yes. Being a queen comes with many great responsibilities that not everyone would want to have. I grew up understanding this, however, so it no longer worries me. In fact, I'm quite excited."

They were passing a lake, and Noemi skipped along the edge, testing her balance.

"Be careful," Iris told her. "If you fall into that freezing water, it won't be fun anymore."

"I'm always careful," Noemi shot back, sticking her tongue out.

Iris sighed. "Kids." Then she smiled to herself.

Elouise peered back at Eldon and Henry who were lingering behind, along with the horses. They were indulged in a conversation with each other, occasionally laughing at what the other said. She smiled at this and faced forward again. Then she flinched when she noticed Iris had fallen into step with her.

"We've only gone out this far a few times," Iris admitted. She looked around, her lips parting in awe. "I forgot how beautiful it can be."

Elouise glanced over at the lake—miles and miles of glistening crystals thanks to the sun finally being out. "It certainly is." She brought her hands up to her mouth and blew into them before rubbing them together.

"Do you know what you're heading into?"

"No. And I am not saying that to avoid telling you. I do not have the faintest idea what we could find there."

"It could be a trap. Have you ever considered that?"

"I don't believe it is."

Iris snickered. "Do you have enough of that belief to pass around, then?"

"You can always turn around and return to your people. My friends and I are together again. We should be fine on our own."

"Mmm, yes, but my curiosity is too strong to leave now. I'll simply take your word for it." Iris stared ahead and shrugged. "Not a trap." Despite herself, Elouise laughed lightly at that.

They came to a resting spot near a copse of pine trees. Noemi plopped down beside Elouise and offered to braid her hair. Elouise allowed her to do so and closed her eyes as Noemi began brushing through her hair with her fingers.

"Who wants to go hunting this time?" asked Iris. Elouise looked at her as she gazed around at everyone. No one responded, though they exchanged glances with one another as if hoping the other would step forward and volunteer.

Eventually, Henry threw up his hands. Then he and Kinsey simultaneously stated, "I'll go."

And they glared at each other.

Kinsey shrugged and sat back down. "Be my guest."

"You should go with him," Iris instructed. Kinsey groaned and jumped back up.

The two of them gathered their quivers and headed out.

"All done," Noemi announced, releasing Elouise's long braid. Elouise smiled as she examined her work. Not a single hair was out of place. Noemi had used a thin pink ribbon to tie the end.

"It used to belong to a dolly I had," Noemi explained, poking the ribbon. "I dunno what happened to her, but I'm happy I kept her ribbon. It looks pretty on you."

Elouise thanked her, though her smile ceased when Eldon came and sat on her right. She did her best to pretend her heart wasn't skipping beats or that her stomach hadn't begun to do flips. Unfortunately, his closeness made it nearly impossible to feel anything else.

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