better days

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Betty's POV:
I woke up this morning and I felt Jughead
pecking kisses over my face and neck. I open my eyes and giggle before saying 'good morning to you too'. He raises his head and pecks my lips before saying 'good morning' he smiles and hugs me closely. 'Your in a happy mood. Are you feeling better?' He smiles and says 'much better, thank you' I kiss the top of his head and start to get up, but Jughead gripped my waist tightly and pulled me back into him. 'Juggie, we have to cook breakfast' I say with a giggle. '5 more minutes' he said into the back of my head while kissing my head. I sigh and roll over so I can hug him back, I bury my head into his chest and I start to place small kisses on his neck. 'And I thought you wanted to get up?' I smile while I sink into his chest a little further.

Eventually we both got up, I slipped my jeans back on but left Jughead's top on. When we left his room we were the only ones awake, but FP was asleep on the sofa meaning we would have to wake him up. I walked over to the sofa and tapped his face 'FP, wake upppp' I say quietly. He grunts and I just poke him again, I keep poking him until he opens his eyes 'you know your really annoying right?' He says while still half asleep. I laugh and say 'I try my best, now what do you want for breakfast?' He smiles and sits up, but before replying to me he turns to Jughead who was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter and says 'is she normally this annoying in the mornings?' Jug laughs and nods before saying 'I only get up because I want food' I turn and face him with my eyebrows raised and he smiles back at me. 'So breakfast?' I say again while facing FP. He smiles and says 'whatever you guys want, I'm gonna go have a shower' he kissed my cheek before walking down the hall into the bathroom.

I walk towards the kitchen and pull out the eggs and bacon from the fridge, I feel Jughead's hand sneak round my waist and he rested his head on my shoulder. I go to walk away and escape from his grip when he holds me tighter. I turn around and face him before saying 'sorry, I thought you only got up for your food' he goes to kiss my lips but I turn my head meaning he captures my cheek instead. This doesn't stop him as he continues to kiss my cheek then down my neck, when he pulls away he goes for my lips again and I happily slam my lips into his, he smiles into the kiss as he runs his tongue along my bottom lip. I deny him access causing him move his hand down to my ass, as he rests it there he gently squeezes making me moan into his mouth. As my mouth opens he slips his tongue inside and I happily do the same to him, the kiss was passionate and slow. I pull away and he chases my lips, he captures them one last time. When he pulls away he says 'we should probably make breakfast' I nod my head and kiss his cheek before skipping over to the cupboard in the corner and grabbing some glasses to put on the table. I go back over to Jughead who has started to cook the bacon and eggs. I turn to him and say 'do you want to wake your mum and Jellybean or should I?' I say quietly to him. He stays quiet for a while before saying 'can you, I might go get ready quickly.' I smile and say 'that's fine' I watch as he walks away into his room before I proceed onto FP's to wake up Gladys. I knock on the door and a few seconds later the door is opened, I am greeted with a smile and she says 'morning Betty' I smile and says 'morning, breakfasts almost ready' She nods her head and says 'thanks, I'll be out in a minute' she closes the door again and i walk back into the kitchen. FP has now finished his shower and was picking at the eggs 'FP!' I shout, I make him jump and he starts to laugh while gripping his chest. 'Jesus Betty, I'm getting old. That could have given me a heart attack' I smirk and says 'at least then you wouldn't eat my eggs, now out, and stop eating the food' he laughs while walking back out into the lounge and tidying up his bed. I plate up the eggs and bacon before heading towards my room to wake up Jellybean. When I get to the door I knock gently before going in, when I open the door I see her still asleep. I perch on the edge of the bed and I shake her slightly. When she turns over and sees me she was confused at first but then smiled 'morning, breakfasts ready so come out when you want' I say while grabbing some clothes from my draws. 'Thanks Betty' She says quietly. As I leave the room FP and Gladys are sitting on the sofa when I stare at FP. He raises his hands and says 'I haven't moved' he laughs and I just mumble 'you better not have, I'm watching you' as I walk towards Jughead room.

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