16 ➵ Update Video + Stalking Fans

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Update Video + STALKING FANS


"Hello guys. Today I'm alone as you can see. I was so busy the past few days with moving that I didn't get a chance to actually collaborate with someone. I decided to give you a little update video on my life and just talk a little bit. At the end I will also head over to Twitter and stalk your tweets, so prepare yourself. Also it's like 6am right now, so sorry if I look tired. I need to finish filming and editing before 3pm so I can upload the video then," he explained and laughed.

"Most of you know that I moved to Los Angeles on Sunday. The people who watch my Vlogs also know that I have been buying new furniture and painting my apartment, that's why I couldn't film a proper video. You can probably see it in the background but the apartment is still a mess. I'll organize everything later, hopefully the furniture will arrive today, too."

"That's actually all I've wanted to tell you. I'm really sorry that this video probably sucks a lot but if I can I'll upload a new video Friday with another YouTuber, I can't promise it, though."

"Anyway, let's go to Twitter and read some of your dirty and weird tweets."

"From @whateverhoods. She tweeted '@CalumHood if you were an iPhone, you'd be the iPhone 10 plus'. I guess that's  compliment, so thank you," he said laughing.

"From @calumshoodie, 'Calum is cuter than a baby panda I'm sad'. I've always wanted to be a baby panda, so thank you, this is really nice."

His smile was so big and it made me really happy.

"User @calspal tweeted 'can Calum suck my vagina already or'. Sucking vaginas is a thing now? Well, sorry but no."

"@amazingtroye: I'm sorry for every girl cause obviously Calum likes dick'. Especially yours, Luke," he said and was laughing again.

I didn't know why but I had a feeling that Luke and Calum talked often but Luke never told me about it. It was weird, really.

Calum had read another five tweets and then ended the video.

✧ ✧

"Michael?" Calum asked me on the phone.


"Are you free today?"

"You're asking me this everyday," I laughed.

"I hope that's not a problem. So, are you free or not?"

"No, it's absolutely no problem. Sure, why?"

"I'm heading to some friends now for my collab video on Friday and I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me," he told me. 

"You mean you're visiting another YouTuber and want me to come with you?" I asked excited.

"That's exactly what I want to do. I figured since you're a big fan of these people I would introduce you to them," he said and I could practically hear him smiling.

"Who are you going to visit?"

"That's a surprise."

"I'm coming with you."

✧ ✧

"This is not what I think it is," I said, eyes wide. 

"I don't know, what do you think is it?" he asked with a smirk and rang the doorbell.

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