Chapter forty-eight

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Surprise!!!!! I hated leaving you all with that cliffhanger, so I have shoved all my work aside and managed to write so i could upload today  ha ha 

I hope you all enjoy Mel xoxo

Chapter forty-eight

Running back into the front room where Thomas and Lisa were seated, I came to a stop right in front of them. “Lisa we still have a chance its small but it could work” I knew my words sounded rushed and all mumble jumble but I couldn’t understand why I hadn’t thought of this before now. I was so mad at myself.

 “Well spit it out” Lisa said sitting up straighter.

“I think, well I’m almost certain that Mr Conroy is the father of Sarah’s baby. Hell no, I know he is! All we have to do is prove it and then no more wedding.” I said smiling excitedly. However, Thomas and Lisa didn’t look as excited as I did. If anything they looked more upset and anxious than excited.

 “Hmm….. Alicia we’ve already worked that one out hunny but we haven’t any proof. We’ve all tried but there is absolutely nothing.” Lisa’s stared at me as if she was waiting for me to fall apart but the truth was I had already fallen apart.

 I was just putting on a brave show for the two them. I didn’t want her worrying any more than she already was.

Swallowing hard, “That’s ok I just thought that maybe that could’ve worked, you know.” My voice didn’t sound as strong as I wanted it too but at least I managed to hold myself together.

“Well I’m going to go to bed now; it’s been a long day, goodnight.” Without waiting for their goodnights I made my way to my bedroom. Placing my phone into the charger beside my bed I lay down and just stared at the screen willing for Timmy to call me.

 I waited and waited for what felt like forever but he didn’t call and I couldn’t call him as that could risk us being caught talking. Feeling broken and alone I didn’t know what to do. I was lost and broken and I felt so alone. All my hope and faith in this marriage was crashing down on me like a tone of bricks along with my heart.

Although Thomas Timmy and Lisa hasn’t told me out right, deep down in my heart I knew their plans on stopping this wedding had failed. Nevertheless I still desperately held onto the very small piece of hope I had left within me.

Two hours had passed with me just lying there staring at my phone. Timmy was meant to have called me just over an hour ago. I’ve tried thinking of excuses of why he hadn’t called me such as his phone was dead or he lost it, because the last thing I wanted to think of was him staying at his dad’s house with Sarah. Then again if his dad is as religious as everyone makes him out to be, then surely that is definitely out of the question.

 My bedroom door creaked and without even looking up I knew it was Lisa coming to check up on me as she does every night, but every other night I pretended to be asleep. However, tonight I needed her hugs and reassurance more than ever. ’I wish my mum was here right now’ I thought to myself.

“Hey hunny, how are you holding up?” she asked with that soft motherly caring voice.

  “Oh Lisa I really am trying to stay strong and positive but I don’t think I can any longer. I have never ever felt the way I do for Timmy and now I’m so close to losing him that my heart feels as if it’s breaking into a million pieces. I can’t believe after everything that Sarah is still going to win. How could this happen Lisa? What have I ever done to deserve this? I’ve lost my mum the one thing that meant the world to me and on top of that, to have a dad like Mr Conroy. Am I really a bad person Lisa? Tell me the truth please because right now I feel like I must be the worst person in the world for God to turn his back on me yet again.” Staring into Lisa’s eyes I waited impatiently for her answer. Tears streamed down her face and I could tell she was trying not to cry but just like me, the tears were too hard to hold in.

 “Alicia you are not a bad person! Do you hear me? You have such a big heart and look after everyone. Sarah is the bad one in this. It is all because of her and Mr Conroy not you. Your mum was taken from you, yes but there is a reason for that, just like there’s a reason for everything else that is happening in your life right now. Mr Conroy has never been in your life so as far as I’m concerned, he is not your dad unless you choose him to be so. Alicia please don’t give up on us all yet, we will stop this wedding and if not, I will be here for you every step of the way but we are not going to think negative tonight as we have to stay positive ok?”  She was now crying hysterically just as I was.

 Hugging me tightly Lisa whispered. “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?”  I really wanted to say no but the mere thought of being left alone was too much for me to bear right now.

“If Thomas wouldn’t mind I would love you to and Lisa…. thank you so much. Without you in my life I really don’t know what I would do. What am I saying; I’d more than likely dead right now, now that I think about it.

“Stop that now ALICIA! We are not going to go back down that road you understand me. Whether Timmy marries Sarah or not, you are not going to take your own life!” I knew I had made Lisa mad and I really didn’t mean too but I was speaking the truth, because I know for sure that if it wasn’t for Lisa, I would’ve already taken my own life.

 “Lisa what am I going to do?” I asked hoping she would be able to tell me.

“Truthfully Alicia…. I really don’t know….. I think for now we should get some sleep and then tomorrow we will find something that will help us. Would you like another sleeping tablet?” she asked, “No thank you.” with that she kissed my cheek. “Ok well I’m going to tell Thomas I will be sleeping with you tonight, I’ll be right back ok.”

 “Ok I replied as I sunk myself back under the covers but not before having one last look at my phone.    


Aww bless i have to say my heart was breaking writing this chapter. Lisa and Alicia friendship is something to be cherished! I'm so thankful Lisa is there for Alicia.

OMG Plan not working ???

Do you think They will find something before the wedding tomorrow afternoon???

Where the bloody hell is Timmy????

Why didn't he call Alicia???

Hmmm still many unanswered questions but don't worry i will upload again over the weekend :)

Thanks a million times over for all of your support especially your comments ;)

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