22. Wedding

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I spun around, enjoying my wedding dress. It was big, poufy, and blue, exactly what I wanted. I had never wanted a traditional white wedding dress. I had never wanted to confirm.

Gabby came in, dressed in a periwinkle dress. "Hey. Are you almost ready?"

I nodded, balling my dress in my hands. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

Gabby smiled. "You look like a queen."

I placed my hands on my hips. "I sure hope so. This is an elegant dress and I'm an elegant woman. I think it's great."

Gabby laughed, taking my hands. "Let's go. It shouldn't be too long before it starts."

The music started and Gabby walked down the aisle first with Matt. Boden stood beside me, a proud smile on his face. I smiled back at him and he offered his arm. I tucked my arm into his and we started walking.

Joe covered his mouth and tears started forming in his eyes. When we got to the alter, Boden kissed my forehead and stood to the side. Joe took my hands and stared into my eyes, a tear falling down his cheek. I giggled and squeezed his hands.

The preacher spoke and soon enough he was finished. We exchanged rings and walked down the aisle. People threw petals as we walked past. We drove to the reception and went into a separate room to chill for a few minutes.

I leaned back in my chair, sighing. "I'm tired."

"We've only just started," Joe said as he sat down. "We're going to party all night."

I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Do we have any drinks?"

Joe looked over at the bar. "Not much. I think we have rum, whiskey, and vodka."

"Nothing I like," I said. "I'll wait until later."

"There's pizza," Joe offered. "Chocolate too."

I got up. "Thanks. I'm starving. It'll be a while before I actually eat."

Joe joined me at where the food was. "What do you want to do after this?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Sleep?"

Joe kissed my temple. "Sounds like a good idea."

We sat back down and ate. After we finished eating, we went out to the reception. We greeted everyone and went from table to table, talking to everyone. Soon it was time for the daughter-father dance. My father hadn't been around since I was ten so it was up to Boden to be the father.

Boden smiled at me as we stood on the dance floor. "You're beautiful tonight, Naomi. I'm proud of you for being where you're at."

I blushed. "Thanks, Wallis."

Boden spun me around. "If Joe ever hurts you, you know where to find me."

I laughed. "He won't do that again, Naomi."

Boden gave me a look. "He already did so, Naomi."

"It's my wedding, Wallis," I said. "He won't hurt me again. I already told him I'd leave his ass and he knows I always keep my word."

Boden nodded, grinning. "You kick ass, Naomi. Don't let that go."

I raised an eyebrow. "Really, Wallis? I'm not going to. I'm Naomi!"

Boden laughed. The song ended and it was time for my dance with Joe. He met me on the stage and took my hands. We started dancing and we laughed at missteps. Neither one of us knew how to dance and had to be taught beforehand. It seems none of it stuck very well.

We danced into the night, eventually changing over to swing music and actual fun stuff. Everyone from the firehouse except Mouch - which was a given - was on the dance floor. Boden and Herrmann were a riot. They were dancing so well and it was so hilarious at some points.

It was late when Joe grabbed my hand. "It's time to go. I've got some plans for when we go home."

I grinned at him and started for the door. We got into his car and drove off. It was hard to fit in with my dress. All the poof was covering like the entire car. It didn't seem like long before we arrived at our apartment. Leon was still at the party so we didn't have to worry about interrupting anyone.

We stumbled upstairs, still partially drunk and laughing ourselves silly. We entered our room, tripping over my dress. Joe helped me out of it and wrapped his arms around me once the dress fell to the ground. He kissed me, holding me close. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I loved the man in my arms.

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin