13. Swimming

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I pulled on my swimsuit and grabbed a suit shirt. Joe, Gabby, Gabby's brother Antonio, Sylvie, Otis, Kelly, and Kasey were all coming swimming and it was going to be a party. I was excited to hang out with them.

"Joe!" I yelled. "¿Listo?"

I had learned Spanish from hanging around Joe and his group of friends. I went down the stairs into the main room of Joe's place.

"Yes, I am," Joe said, stepping out into the main room. "Are you?"

I shouldered my bag. "Yeah. Let's go. The others are waiting."

Joe and I left and drove all the way to the lake. The others were meeting us there. I sang to the songs on the radio and laughed when Joe gave me looks.

We arrived at the lake and started setting up. Everyone arrived not too long after us and joined the group. Most of them were in their swimsuits but we waited for everyone to get ready

After we set up, I got a mischievous smile on my face. "I'll race you guys."

Everyone else grinned and I took off. They followed and I was the first into the water. I dove underwater and came up a few feet away. Dawson appeared not too far away and I splashed her.

Dawson laughed. "Oh, it's on, Naomi."

We started splashing each other and soon everyone joined. I lept at Joe and he dunked me underwater. I came up coughing and spitting out water. I glared at him and he laughed.

We were in the water for a long time before we all got hungry. We left the lake and dried off so we could eat.

Gabby gazed out across the lake. "I love days like this. Where we can just hang out as friends and have fun."

"Me too," Kasey said. "I like nature."

"Don't get sentimental on us, guys," I mumbled with a mouth full of food. "I don't like that crap."

Kasey looked at Joe. "How are you attracted to her?"

I gave Kasey a stone cold look. "Because I'm his soulmate and my attractiveness has nothing to do with how I eat."

Joe smiled and placed a hand on my thigh. "She's right. She's my other half. Just like you and Gabby. I love Quinn and she's my best friend. I wouldn't trade her for anything."

I giggled and almost spit out my food. I tried my hardest not to laugh my guts out and Joe stared at me loving, smiling.

 I tried my hardest not to laugh my guts out and Joe stared at me loving, smiling

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He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me in. The others smiled at us and started talking, the conversation flowing easily.

We eventually decided to go back into the water and swim a bit more. I waded into the water, Gabby and Sylvie at my side.

"I wanted to go shopping soon," Gabbie said. "You guys want to come?"

"I don't really like shopping," I said. "I would rather shop online."

"Oh, don't be a party pooper, Naomi," Sylvie complained. "Come with us. Would you rather be with Joe? Or Otis?"

I chuckled. "Right. I'll go but there are no promises I won't complain the entire time."

The guys called us over and us girls swam over. Joe pulled me close and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he treaded the water.

"Are you having fun?" Joe asked.

I nodded. "Are you?"

Joe nodded, smiling. "Anytime spent with you is a fun time, Naomi."

I smacked Joe's shoulder. "Whatever. Can I spend the night tonight?"

"Of course," Joe said. "You're welcome anytime."

"Don't get too loud," Otis said. "You wouldn't want to disturb anyone."

I splashed him. "Shut up, Russian."

"Whatever, kiwi," Otis shot back.

I flipped him off and responded the same way. He always made fun of where my mom was from, which was New Zealand. We stayed at the lake until close to sundown and we got dressed, heading home shortly afterward. I sat in Joe's car, my head resting against the car seat. My damp hair was put up in a messy bun.

I sighed. "That was so much fun, Joe. I love being with my friends."

Joe placed a hand on my thigh. "Me too. I haven't had that much fun in so long."

I smiled and moved my head to rest on the window. "You're my best friend, Joe, and I love you."

Joe smiled. "Of course, Naomi. I love you too. What do you want to do when we get back home?"

I shrugged. "Sleep, I guess. I'm hella tired."

"You're no fun," Joe complained, a teasing smile on his face.

I smacked his arm. "We just spent the entire day together. You're the one who isn't fun!"

Joe looked offended, placing his hand over heart. "How dare you! I'm ridiculously fun."

I raised my eyebrow. "Says the guy who would rather stay in and watch the game then go out and have fun."

Joe met my gaze before laughing and looking back at the road. "You know me too well, Naomi."

"Of course I do," I said, leaning back in my chair. "I'm your person and you tell me everything."

Joe shook his head as we continued driving. I closed my eyes to rest and ended up falling asleep, not waking up until we got to Joe's.

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