07. Spending The Night

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I took off my shirt when I got home and tossed it onto the couch. I went into the bathroom to brush out my hair when I got a call from Dawson.

I pressed my phone against my ear. "Yes?"

"So tonight is the night you're going over to Joe's, right?" Dawson asked.

I put the phone on speaker. "Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"What are you guys going to do?" Dawson asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "He's cooking dinner and I think we're watching some Netflix or something."

"So it's a Netflix and chill kind of night," Dawson said, her voice changing.

"Yeah, I guess," I replied.

"Don't forget the condoms."

"Dawson!" I exclaimed as I left my bathroom.

She burst out laughing. "I'm just joking, Lee. But seriously. Safe sex is the best way."

"I'm sure Cruz has some," I said. "I wouldn't worry."

"Don't chance it," Dawson said. "I'll text Cruz to make sure he has some."

"Dawson," I whined. "Please don't. You'll make things worse."

"I'll make things better for the both of you," Dawson said. "I'm just looking out for my friend. I'll see you later. I want to know everything."

She hung up and I looked at my phone. I sighed and slipped it into my pocket. When I went into my room, I started packing for Joe's. My phone dinged and it was Joe. He was heading on his way.

I went into my main room and sat on my couch. It was about a half an hour before Joe rang the doorbell. I swung my backpack onto my back and left with him. I climbed into his car and he drove off.

"I made a Puerto Rican dish," Joe commented. "I think you'd like it."

"I hope so," I said. "I like a lot of food. Hopefully, your cooking didn't screw it up."

Joe shook his head, smiling. "You're just like everyone at the house. My cooking is just fine."

I smiled. "Let me be the judge of that."

Joe took me home and I walked into his house. He handed me a plate and I filled it up with food. We joked around and we were interrupted by Leon coming downstairs, a backpack slung over his shoulder. He smiled at me and we bumped fists.

"Hey, Naomi," Leon greeted. "I'm heading over to Jose's house. I'll be back tomorrow."

Joe nodded. "I'll see you then."

"Bye," Leon said. "Have fun and don't get too crazy."

I laughed. "See you later, Leon."

He left. It was just Joe and I at the house. I didn't have to worry about bothering him with getting too loud.

I looked back at Joe. "What do you want to do?"

Joe leaned against the counter. "We could watch a movie. Maybe talk about what happened."

I took a bite of food. "I say talk about what happened. I'm curious."

Joe bit his lip. "I was the one who carried you out of that building and performed CPR on you. Your mark lit up and I panicked. I didn't know to do. I wanted to be your soulmate but I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I'm sorry."

"Don't be, Joe," I assured. "I always wanted to be your soulmate too. I love you, Joe. Even when you lost your hair."

Joe chuckled. "Whatever. I love you too, Naomi. Always have. Always will. I wanted you to come here because of how I felt. Naomi, let's date."

"Fuck yeah!" I exclaimed. "I'm down for that. What else do you want to do tonight?"

Joe looked up at me, a small smirk on his face. "I have an idea."

I smiled. "If it's got something to do with us and that bed of yours, I'm down. I'm assuming you got Dawson's text?"

Joe chuckled. "I did. That's why it took me so long to get to your house."

I leaned on the counter, pushing my plate away. "Your game better be strong. I tend to like it rough."

Joe laughed. "I think I can provide. Wanna start now?"

I stood up. "Of course."

Joe grinned and he dashed over to me. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and pounded against Joe's back.

Joe took me to his room and he threw me into his bed. Joe took off his shirt and started unbuckling his pants. I slipped off my shorts and took off my shirt, throwing both of them aside.

Joe crawled on top of me and kissed me hard. I gripped Joe's shirt and wrapped my legs around Joe's waist. I shivered when Joe ran his hands down my sides. He tugged off my underwear and tossed them aside.

"Joe," I moaned, tugging on his arms.

Joe grinned. "I know, I know. We'll get to that."

I squirmed. "You're such a tease, Joe. Hurry up."

Joe leaned down and kissed me again. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed his head, pressing harder against him. I couldn't wait to fuck him.

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