04. Talks

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We arrived at the crash and I went to help pull a woman from a wrecked car. I pulled out the woman and Casey helped me carry her to where Dawson was. We set her down on a bed and I ran off to help Joe and Otis.

I glanced up at Joe and he caught my eye. He looked away, biting his lip. I always thought it was attractive when he did that.

I continued helping and we were finished within the hour. I stared at the back of Joe's head. Something was up.

When we got back, I helped with unpacking and after that, I went to find Joe. He was sitting in the commons area with Otis and Mouch.

"Hey, Joe," I said, getting his attention. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Joe nodded and got up. I took him into the locker rooms and I leaned against them.

"What's up?" Joe asked.

"I wanted to ask what was up earlier," I said. "You looked pretty pissed off or whatever. I didn't mean anything by that, Joe."

Joe scratched the back of his neck. "I know, Naomi. I-I just broke up with my girlfriend because of what I felt towards another girl."

"Me," I stated.

Joe nodded shyly, biting his lip. He didn't make eye contact. "She couldn't stand the fact that I like you. We were drifting apart too."

"You like me?" I asked.

Joe nodded. "Always have, Naomi. Since we were little. I didn't think our marks matched though, which is why I was hesitant to actually feel any romantic feelings for you."

I grabbed Joe's face, making him look at me. "Joe, you never know. I love you too and -"

The intercom went off. Joe and I sighed. We headed out and I climbed into the truck. We drove to the location of the injury. Some guy had impaled himself on a fence.

I helped saw off the fence and I carried the guy to the ambulance. We dealt with whatever needed to be done and headed back to 51.

I went to the locker room and grabbed a book to read in the common room. Joe walked in and greeted me as he opened his locker.

"We've been having a lot of conversations in here," I commented. "What's with that?"

Joe chuckled. "What do I know? Do you want to hang out tonight? Have a few beers at Molly's?"

I closed my locker. "Sure. Maybe a movie at your place?"

"For sure," Joe said, closing his locker with a book in his hand too. "I love movie nights with my best friend."

I laughed and walked up to Joe. I kissed his cheek. "I'll see you tonight, Jo-Jo."

I walked away and into the commons room. I sat at the table with Dawson and Herrmann. I started reading and Joe came in. He sat on the couch with Otis and Mouch.

I was sitting there for a while before the intercom came on again. There was a collective sigh as everyone got up and went to the trucks. I put on my helmet as we got closer.

I filed out with the others and ran into the building with Joe by my side. We went through the floors, calling out for anyone. A woman stumbled out of her apartment, coughing and reaching for us. I rushed for her and helped her toward the stairs. Joe came a few moments later with a few left.

"That's the rest of them, Lee!" Joe yelled over the fire. "Let's go!"

I nodded and headed downstairs, Joe following. The group of people filed downstairs and we left the building. They were already spraying the building down.

I sighed and leaned against the truck, breathing heavily. Otis stood next to me, leaning against the truck too.

"So you and Joe," Otis said, wiping his mouth.

"What about it?" I said, spitting on the ground.

"He likes you, if you haven't noticed," Otis said. "Don't waste your life sitting in the background while Joe's around. I'm just saying."

"I'm going over to his house tonight after shift," I said. "I'm hoping something happens. If it does, I'm happy. If not, it's fine."

"So you like him?" Otis asked.

Tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear, I nodded. "I do but don't tell him. It'll make things complicated but knowing me, I'll do that myself."

Otis smiled and patted my shoulder. "You'll do fine, Naomi. I promise. You always know what to do."

I laughed and smacked his shoulder. "Whatever."

After everything was finished, I climbed inside the truck and started joking around with the guys. Being the only female firefighter was hard but the guys had accepted me within a few weeks of being there. I wouldn't trade these guys for the world.

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