03. Thoughts

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*Naomi is in the picture above. That's Naomi Osaka, a famous Japanese tennis player. She'll be the face of Naomi Lee. I didn't name them the same. Naomi Lee, my character, is half-Korean and half-African American.

I woke up with an arm around my waist. I looked back and saw Joe laying next to me, shirtless. I checked myself and I was fully dressed, which was good. Joe and I often shared beds. It didn't mean anything to either of us.

I got up and went to the kitchen. I started making breakfast for the two of us. It wasn't anything fancy. Just chocolate chip pancakes. Joe loved them.

Joe came downstairs and kissed my cheek. "Goodmorning, Naomi. Making pancakes?"

"Of course," I said.

"Chocolate chip?" Joe asked, leaning against the counter.

"Of course," I replied, flipping one. "When are you leaving?"

"Once the pancakes are done." Joe wrapped his arms around my waist. "I have to eat Naomi's world-renowned pancakes."

I laughed and shoved Joe away. "Shut up, Cruz. Grab a plate."

Joe set two plates beside the stove and got two cups. He filled one with apple juice and one with orange juice. He knew how much I hated orange juice and I only kept the orange juice around for him.

I put two pancakes on Joe's plate and started cooking mine. Joe ate his quickly and packed his stuff up. He said goodbye to me as I started eating my pancakes. I was sure the only reason he left before me was to get to the station before me.

I finished my breakfast and got dressed. I only brushed out my hair and reserved the braiding for Joe. I brushed my teeth and spat the toothpaste out in the sink.

I grabbed my bag and left for work, tossing the bag into the passenger seat. I drove off and arrived at work, parking in my usual spot next to Joe.

I got out and slung my bag over my shoulder. I walked toward the station and when I stepped in, Joe called out my name. All the others yelled it out in response.

I smiled and walked toward the locker room, Joe joining me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, holding me tight.

"Hey, you," Joe said.

I laughed as we entered the locker room. "Don't act like you didn't see me this morning, Joe. No calls yet?"

"Don't jinx it yet, Lee," Otis said as he walked by.

"Whatever Otis," I yelled as he left.

Joe laughed. "Sit down. I'll do your hair."

"Let me put my bag away," I said, opening my locker. I put my back away and handed Joe a hair tie. He braided my hair back and rubbed my shoulders.

"Ready for the day?" Joe asked.

"Of course," I said. "Ready for another twenty-four hours."

I got up and we left the locker room. I went to the kitchen to sit on the couches. Joe sat beside and we started talking. Otis joined our conversation and I had some laughs joking around with him.

"What are you doing after work, Naomi?" Otis asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Definitely sleeping. I might go out with some friends of mine. Would you want to come?"

"Yeah!" Otis exclaimed. "What are you doing?"

"Swimming," I said. "We're going to Fish Lake Beach. It's just north of here. Cruz, you wanna come?"

Joe nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I want to go with my best friend?"

I smiled and leaned against Joe's shoulder. "Thank you, Joey. It wouldn't be the same without you, booboo."

Joe laughed. "Whatever."

"Are you two dating?" Otis asked. "You would go perfectly together."

I laughed. "Nah, Otis, we're not together. Joe and I go way back. We're just friends."

"Did you just friend zone Cruz?" Dawson asked, joining our conversation.

"No," I argued.

"Yes," Dawson shot back.

Joe pulled away from me. "I have to go do something."

I watched Joe leave, feeling like I did something wrong. I bit my lip. Otis watched Joe leave too and looked back at me.

"Is something the matter with you and Cruz?" Otis asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. We were just fine this morning. I even made him chocolate chip pancakes."

"Oh," Dawson said. "Good choice. I think it's because he's in love you. You saying he's just a friend and you only see him that way hurts him. I know, it's stupid, but it's true."

I ran a hand over my hair. "Joe doesn't like me. We've been friends since we were young. I mean, why would he like someone like me? I'm average."

Otis raised an eyebrow at me. "Lee, you're more than average. You're beautiful. Stunningly so, even. Joe has every reason to love you, Naomi."

I shook my head, shrugging. "He has a girlfriend, Otis, if you forgot. He's not going to fall in love with me. Our marks might not even match."

Dawson placed a hand on my leg. "It'll work out. Things have a funny way of working out. Go talk to him and figure things out. It can't be that bad."

I nodded and got up. I looked around for Joe and found him in the locker room, looking through his phone. He looked up when he saw me.

"Hey, Joe," I said as I sat beside him. "I wanted to apologize for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to offend you in any way."

"No, it's alright," Joe said. "I-I just -"

The intercom went off, calling for the fire truck to respond to a crash site. I sighed and rolled my eyes, looking at Joe.

He smiled. "I'll explain it later, Naomi. Let's go."

Joe and I left to go respond to the crash. As I sat in the backseat, I couldn't help but think of what Joe was going to say. He couldn't like me, could he?

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now