11. Day In

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I sat in the common room of the firehouse, eating a bowl of oatmeal with chocolate. Joe sat on the other side of the room, reading a magazine.

I picked up my phone and started texting him. When he got it, he looked across at me. I smiled and winked at him. He smiled and looked down at his magazine. I flipped through the book I was reading.

I was sitting there for a little longer before the intercom went off. I put the bookmark in the book and went to the truck. I climbed in and we were off. 

I put on my helmet and waited to arrive. We arrived at a fire and Kasey sent me on top of the truck with Joe. He was really good at moving the ladder. When he lined up the later, I nodded to him and started climbing.

"Be careful!" Joe called.

I laughed, glancing over my shoulder. "Don't worry about me, Joe. I'll be just fine."

I climbed the ladder and got to the window. A woman stood at a window, screaming for me to hurry. I helped her onto the ladder and started climbing down with her. I didn't get too far away before the room I was just at exploded. I was fell from the ladder and barely caught on.

I hung onto to the edge, clinging on as tightly as I could. Joe screamed my name and started climbing the ladder. He got to me and reached out. I grabbed his arm and he pulled me up.

He clung onto me, burying his face into my shoulder. My heart ran faster than a horse and my hands were shaking.

Joe pulled away and grabbed my face, tears in his eyes. "Don't do that again, Naomi. I could've lost you."

I smiled, gripping Joe's wrists. "It's not that far of a drop, honey."

Joe smiled weakly. "That's not what I meant and you know it."

I grinned. "Let's get down. We have a job to do."

We climbed off the ladder and truck. I was checked over by Dawson and once we were finished, I was sent to help out on the scene. By the time I was done, I was tired and worn out.

We returned to the house and I went into the room with all the bunks. I found mine and I curled up on it, burying my face into my arms. I was out within minutes.

I was woken up by Joe shaking me. I groaned and squeezed my eyes tightly. I sat up and glared at Joe.

"What?" I demanded. "It better be good."

Joe kissed my forehead. "It is. Food is ready."

I got up and followed Joe into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate and started filling it with food. I sat down with Joe and Otis. We started joking around and laughing, throwing insults back and forth.

It was quiet for the rest of lunch. I eventually rested my head on the table and sighed.

"Tired?" Joe asked.

I nodded. "A little. I need a nap."

"Go take one then," Otis said. "Nothing's stopping you."

The intercom went off, calling all firefighters and ambulances.

I got up. "That is."

Otis rolled his eyes as he followed. I climbed onto the truck and put my helmet on. The truck roared out of the station and we were on our way.


Joe walked me out to my car, his arm around my shoulders. We got to my car and Joe grabbed my hips. I smiled and grabbed his shoulders.

"Wanna come back to my place?" Joe asked, biting his lip. "I got some plans."

I shook my head. "I don't want to have sex tonight. I'm not in the mood."

Joe nodded. "I understand. Does dinner sound alright?"

"Sure," I said. "I've always liked your tacos."

Joe gently rubbed my sides. "It's the only good thing I can make."

I adjusted my backpack strap. "It's still good. Is Leon going to be there?"

"Yeah," Joe said. "He wouldn't miss my famous tacos."

I scoffed. "I don't know about famous."

Joe shoved my shoulder. "Whatever. I'll see you tonight."

I kissed Joe and got into my car. I drove off and got to my apartment. I changed into a nicer pair of clothes before heading for Joe's house.

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ