02. Hanging Out

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I laid on the couch, my legs sprawled out. Gabby and Sylvie sat across from me. Otis sat on a chair borrowed from somewhere.

"What are you guys doing when you get home?" I asked.

"Eating," Sylvie said.

"Sleeping," Gabby said.

I laughed. "I wish."

"What are you doing?" Gabby asked.

"I'm having Joe over," I said.

"Like a date?" Sylvie asked. "It's about time if it is."

I threw a pillow at her. "No, it's not. Joe and I are just friends. It's not like that."

"Not yet," Otis said. "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"

"For once Otis is right," Gabbie said. Otis gave her a very offended look and I laughed. "He looks at you like you're the prettiest thing he's ever seen. He loves you."

"Who loves you?" Joe asked as he walked up. He moved my legs and sat in the empty spot. I laid my legs across his lap.

"No one," I replied.

Joe raised an eyebrow at me. "Really?"

"Of course," I replied, smirking. "Why would anyone love me?"

"Don't play yourself," Sylvie said. "We all love you. I think a few here might love you more than friends though, darling."

Joe glared at Sylvie. Everyone burst into laughter and I smiled. I loved my crew. We had a really good bond. I had a second family here and I wouldn't give it up for the world.

Joe massaged my thigh as we talked. We were rudely interrupted by the intercom and we all got to our feet. We headed out to the job and we returned an hour or two later. It was close to the end of my shift so I went to take a shower.

I stood in the steaming shower, washing my hair. I loved hot showers so much. I cleaned myself up and dried off. I washed off my body and I was partially dressed when the curtain opened. Joe stood there, staring at me.

I dried off my hair with a towel. "Need anything?"

Joe's eyes traveled down my body and he looked back into my eyes, shaking his head. "No, no, not at all. I was just going to say our shift is over in a few minutes. We should probably head out. We're going to your place, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Let me just get dressed first. Don't want to flash the entire squad, do we?"

Joe nodded, raising his eyebrow slightly. "I'll see you in a few. Don't take too long."

He closed the curtain and I pulled on a pair of short shorts. I grabbed a crop top and slipped it on. I didn't wear bras since I had breast cancer as a teenager and I had both tits removed.

I left the stall and brushed the tangles out of my hair before leaving the shower room. I grabbed my backpack and opened the door.

Joe was waiting with his backpack over his shoulder. He glanced up and whistled when he saw me. A few of the other guys whistled too and I flipped them off.

Everyone laughed and I walked out with Joe. Joe wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked to our cars. We got there and I opened my door. Joe and I always parked next to each other every day. No one took our spots.

Joe kissed my temple. "I'll follow you home. You still have Boogeyman and Copper, right?"

"Of course!" I exclaimed.

"I love them," Joe said. "Copper especially."

"Of course you love Copper," I said, opening my car door. "She's the best cat in the world."

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