12. Day Out

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I laid on my bunk, texting a friend. We had only gone on a couple of calls so far so it hadn't gotten crazy yet. I liked it when it was quieter.

Joe walked in and grabbed some stuff from his bunk. He came over and sat on my bed. I looked up at him.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you something," Joe said. "It's really important."

I propped myself up on my elbows. "Is Leon dying? Are you dying?"

Joe laughed, shaking his head. "No. I made squad."

"Really?" I exclaimed. "You've been wanting that for years! Graduations! Can I plan the party?"

Joe squeezed my thigh, smiling. "Of course. Your parties are always the best."

"Have you told anyone yet?" I asked.

Joe shook his head. "Truck has the fued with Squad right now and I didn't want everyone mad at me."

I sat up. "You should probably tell people or when you switch over to Squad. It'll come out as a surprise when it happens."

Joe nodded. "I know. I'll tell this shift."

"Good," I said. "Or else I'll get on your ass."

Joe laughed. "I'm glad you're my friend, Naomi."

"I'm the greatest, aren't I?" I said, cracking a smile. "We should go swimming soon. I'm in the mood to do it."

"Sure," Joe said. "Do you want to go alone or invite some of our friends?"

"Sure," I said. "I think Leon should come. He needs a distraction from all that gang stuff."

"He's actually heading off to Florida," Joe said.

"Really?" I asked. "When is he leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Joe said. "The police department said it would be best if he doesn't want to get killed."

"I agree," I said. "Leon's a good kid."

"Yeah, I know," Joe said. "He mentioned something about going to college too. He's really turning his life around."

I leaned onto Joe's shoulder. "I love Leon. He's like a little brother to me."

Joe kissed my head. "I know. You've been around for most of his life. He loves you like a sister."

I looked up at Joe, a pout on my face. "You love me too."

Joe gazed into my eyes. "I do, but as my soulmate. I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you."

I smiled. "Well, you're kinda stuck with me now. Our marks match."

Joe smiled. "I know. You're the love of my life."

I blushed. "Aww, Joe."

Joe laughed and kissed me. I grabbed his face and kissed back. We were interrupted when Kasey walked in. He nodded to us and walked into his office. I bit my lip, waiting until Kasey closed his office. I burst into the laughter, leaning against Joe's shoulder. He laughed with me and clutched my side.

Joe stopped laughing after a few moments. "We should probably join the others. We don't want the others to assume what we're doing."

There was still a smile on my face. "Of course not. Let's go. I still have to beat Otis at a game of Fuck Your Neighbor."

Joe kissed me one last time and we left. We joined the others in the commons and I started playing some card games with some of the others. It was a great time, laughing and teasing each other. I loved these people so much.

Before we finished the first game, we got called. I got up and went to the truck with the others. Joe got in the front seat and I climbed in the back with the others. I looked into the mirror and saw Joe looking back at me. We smiled at each other and I blew him a kiss. He chuckled, shaking his head. I loved that guy so much.

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя