19. Make It Up

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I drove to work, singing as loudly as I could. I didn't care about anything. I pulled up to the firehouse and walked in. I entered the locker room and sat on the bench after opening my locker. I grabbed a hair tie and braided my hair. I didn't want to ask Joe to do it when I had perfectly good fingers.

I stood up and slammed my locker. Joe was leaning against the lockers next to me. I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

Joe grabbed my wrist to stop me. "Naomi, wait, please. I want to talk."

I looked at him, already angry. "What do you want?"

Joe sighed, sorrowful. "Naomi, I'm sorry. I was a drunk idiot and I'm sorry."

I ripped my wrist out of Joe's grip. "That won't do."

I marched out of the locker room, Joe following. He stopped me on the floor, trying to talk to me.

I shoved him away and glared at him. "Did our marks mean nothing to you?"

"What?" Joe asked.

"Our marks, Joe," I spat. "They meant nothing to you and I hate you. Don't talk to me ever again."

At this time, people started coming out. Joe tried to reach out to grab me again but Sylvie stepped in.

"Don't," she said. "She's had enough of you. You hurt her and you're an idiot if you think you can come now or ever."

Joe nodded and looked down. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, Naomi, and hopefully one day you can forgive me. Maybe not now but someday. I'll stay out of your hair."

Joe walked away and Sylvie took me into the bunk room. She sat me down on her bed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Maybe it's time to forgive Joe," I murmured. "I've been in pain for too long and I feel like it's been too long. I don't want to hurt for any longer."

Sylvie smiled at me. "Of course. When you're ready, you should."

I nodded and breathed in. "I'll be ready soon. Let's get back to work."

As I finished my sentence, the alarm went off and we got up, heading for the floor. I climbed into the firetruck and sat down. I put on my helmet when we got closer. We arrived at the scene of a crash and we stopped. I got out and started helping people. I was paired with Herrmann and we started working on getting a person out of a car.

We were out there for hours and when we returned the truck, I was sweating. I took off my helmet and stared out the window. It was warm and hot outside. I loved the warm weather so much but sometimes it was terrible with the heavy suit.

We got back to the station and I got out. I got out of my gear and put it away. Joe entered the room where our gear went and he nodded to me. I smiled softly at him and put my helmet up. 

I slipped off my jacket. "I'm free after our shift. Wanna go out or something?"

Joe smiled softly, looking at out of the corner of his eyes. "Yeah, that sounds great. I'll pick you up."

I smiled as I took off my pants. "Yeah, yeah. Don't think about doing anything stupid though. You already have a strike."

Joe chuckled as he hung up his jacket. "I won't. I already saw what I did and I won't do it again. You're too important to me."

I walked past toward the door. "Of course I am. I'm your best friend."

Joe grabbed my hand before I left. "I love you, Naomi, and don't you ever forget that."

I smiled softly. "I know. You still hurt me though and it'll take me time to heal."

Joe nodded. "I understand. I'll give you as much room as necessary."

I nodded and left the room. I joined the others and sat beside Gabby and Stella. We talked for some time before we got called out again. I sat with Stella and got to know her more. She was so nice and funny. We got along pretty well. We arrived at the scene and got to work.

Burn Marks (Joe Cruz/Chicago Fire Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now