05. Fire, Fire

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After the shift, I headed home. I needed to grab some things before heading over to Joe's. He wouldn't be off for about two or three hours so I was going over to his house and cook dinner.

I pulled out my braid and shook out my hair as I drove home. I parked outside my building and went up to my room. I was only there for a couple of minutes before I could smell smoke. Not too long afterward the fire alarms went off.

I went into firefighter mode and went up to the top floor. I started sending people downstairs and looking for any stragglers. I made it through the first couple of floors before the smoke started getting bad. I leaned against the wall, breathing heavily.

I walked down a couple more steps before I fell, falling down the rest of the steps. I laid there, coughing and in pain. I really hoped my crew would show up soon.

I was drifting in and out of it when I saw a firefighter run up the stairs. They called out my name and I realized it was Joe. I moaned and reached out for him.

He got to me and helped me sit up. He was talking but I could barely hear him.

"Joe," I mumbled.

"Don't try to talk, Naomi," Joe said, brushing my cheek. "You need to save your strength."

"No, listen," I said, trying really hard to speak. "I already scoped out the floors above us. Don't go up there."

Joe picked me up. "Alright. Herrmenn, let's go. She already checked the top floors and she's injured."

I passed out on the way down and woke up when I felt someone performing CPR on me. I gasped and coughed. Joe picked me up again and laid me down on the stretcher.

Dawson and Sylvie wheeled me into the ambulance. They put an oxygen mask on me and they took off. Dawson looked down at my chest and her eyes widened slightly.

"What is it?" I managed to get out.

Dawson shook her head, grabbing my face to look into my eyes. "You're going to be fine, Naomi. Don't leave us."

"Impudent of you to believe I'll meet a mortal end," I snarked.

Dawson smiled and checked my vitals. "There's our Naomi. Just keep breathing and don't pass out, alright?"

I rolled my eyes. "Can't promise anything."

"You're going out with Joe after this, Naomi," Sylvie called from the front. "You're not missing out on that."

I laughed and it sounded more like I was choking. "We aren't even meant for each other."

Dawson looked at me sternly. "You are, Naomi. Don't play yourself."

I rolled my eyes. We arrived to the hospital and the doctors put me into a room. The firefighters came by and said hi to me as soon as they could.

"Lee," Chief said as he entered the room.

"Boden," I replied. "What'd the doctors say?"

Boden sat in an empty chair. "You'll be here a couple days and to take it easy at work. You were brave out there, doing what you did."

I smiled. "Thanks but I was just doing my job."

"Lee, you saved everyone," Herrmann said. "Without you, we wouldn't have gotten everyone and worse yet, we could've lost you. Don't be so humble."

I sat up more. "It's fine. If I hadn't been there, people wouldn't've made it. It's lucky that I was there."

Dawson grabbed my face. "We are too. Don't worry. The fire didn't reach your apartment and all your stuff is fire. There's some smoke damage but nothing too bad."

I sighed. "Thank goodness."

We spent some time talking before everyone had to leave. Joe kissed my forehead before he left. The room felt empty without everyone else. I made myself comfortable. It would be a long few days.

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