21. Proposal

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Time has passed since Joe and I finally got back together. It had been nice to finally be with Joe again. He had been careful and tread softly around me, making sure not to hurt me again. I loved him dearly and I wouldn't trade him for the world. He was my man.

"Naomi!" Joe yelled from downstairs.

"Yes?" I yelled back as I walked down the stairs.

"¿Lista?" Joe asked.

"Sí, sí," I replied, grabbing my bag. "Let's go."

Joe and I left our apartment. We had moved into together a few months ago. It was easier on our finances and we were soulmates after all. I still hadn't told him about how I burned my mark but he didn't need to know.

We arrived at the house and walked in, heading straight for the locker room. I put my stuff away and Joe braided my hair like usual.

"When are you joining Squad?" I asked as Joe finished off my braid.

"Hopefully soon," Joe replied.

I stood up. "How long has it been since you've turned in your application?"

Joe shrugged. "A week maybe."

We walked out, still talking. We didn't even make it into the commons room when the bell went off. We turned around and went to the truck. We got dressed and headed out. I stared out the window, the city going by. I hummed as we drove.

"Happy or something?" Herrmann asked.

I looked over at him. "What? No, I'm not. I just hum to myself sometimes."

Herrmann shared a look with everyone else. "You'll have a reason to be happy soon."

Otis smacked Herrmann's shoulder and they started arguing. I laughed and stared out the window. I didn't think about what Herrmann said because he was always saying crazy stuff. Why would I believe him?

We arrived at the scene and stopped. We weren't there for too long and we finally arrived. I walked in and I had barely sat down when Gabby and Sylvie pulled me to my feet.

"What do you want?" I asked as they dragged me out of the commons room.

"You'll see," Gabby said she smiled.

I dragged my feet. "I just sat down. Why do you do this to me?"

"Because we love you," Sylvie said as they took me outside. "We need to grab something and we need you with us."

We got into Gabby's car and she drove me off. I crossed my arms and stared out the window with a pout on my face.

Sylvie looked back at me. "Don't be sad, Naomi, be glad. We're going to have fun."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I'd rather be at the house where I just hang out."

"That's boring though," Gabby said. "We weren't going to be called out soon anyway. This would be more fun."

I sighed, laughing. "Whatever. What are we doing?"

"You'll see," Gabby said as she looked in the rearview mirror.

I shook my head. We drove around for a long time. Sylvie leaned over and whispered into Gabby's ear. Finally, we started driving back to the station. I was finally ready. I was so bored and tired. I needed a nap.

We arrived at the station. It looked perfectly normal and it appeared like they hadn't been called out yet. We walked into and there was a path of rose petals leading to the commons room. I followed it and the whole room had been changed. The couches were gone, probably against Mouch's consent. The table had been filled with my favorite food. Everything had a touch of blue to it.

Joe stood in the middle of the entire room. He had a large smile on his face and he was dressed in his fireman's uniform, looking dashing as ever. He had my favorite flowers in his hands.

I laughed. "You romantic bastard. What's all this? A proposal or something?"

Joe chuckled as he stepped toward me. "That's exactly what it is. You're always so good at figuring things about."

I took the flowers. "It's kinda my thing."

At that point, the entire firehouse was peering through windows or doorways. I laughed and dusted off Joe's suit.

"You look dashing," I complimented. "I love it."

Joe nodded, looking down. He pulled out a small box and opened it. "You already know what this is about so I might as well ask. Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

I smiled and met Joe's gaze. "Yeah, I will."

Joe put the ring on my finger and I kissed him. Cheers went up and everyone came into the room. Everyone congratulated us and wished the best for us. The wedding was going to be giant.

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