14. Fight

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I stepped into the locker room with Joe. "He tried to follow me inside my apartment, so I was like, 'what are you doing? You're being an idiot.' He didn't even ask permission."

"And you knocked him on his ass?" Joe asked as I put my stuff away.

"Yeah," I replied, sitting down and handing a ponytail to Joe. "Have you not met me?"

Joe pulled my hair back and started braiding it. "You are the most badass woman I've ever met and I admire you every day."

"Stop it," I said, smacking Joe's leg. "You compliment me."

Joe kissed the top of my head. "It's my job as your boyfriend, honey."

I laughed and stood up. "Ready for today?"

Joe placed his hands on my hips. "Of course. Maybe we could sneak off sometimes."

I smacked Joe's shoulder. "No, we are not going to do that, Joe! We are professionals!"

Joe smiled, pulling me close. "Of course. Maybe after work, I'll take you somewhere romantic and we'll have fun."

I laughed. "We'll take about that later. Let's go join the others."

Joe nodded and we left the locker room. We both went into the commons room and I sat down with Dawson and Sylvie. We talked for a bit until we got called out. I climbed onto the truck and sat down next to Otis. I put on my helmet and talked to Otis until we arrived at the scene. It was a car crash and needed all hands on deck.

I ran over to a car and started helping a woman out with the help of Otis. We often got paired together and worked together well. We pried the door off and I put a neck brace on her neck. Otis and I carried her over to the ambulance and ran off to the next car. We worked until everything was done and we head back to the station.

I sat with Otis again and was talking to him the entire way back. Otis and I were great friends and we had our own inside jokes. When we got out, I looked at Joe and he was frowning at Otis and I. I gave him a concerned look but he just walked away.

I was about to go after him but we had a meeting to attend. I couldn't find a spot by Joe so instead, I leaned against the wall. Boden stood up at the front of the room with a new firefighter. He wanted until we were quiet before he started talking.

"We are here today to welcome a new firefighter," Boden said. "This is Stella Kidd, a firefighter from a house that got shut down recently. Please give her a warm Firehouse 51 welcome."

"I can't work with her," Gabby said loudly, staring at Stella.

Stella and Gabby glared at each other for a few moments before breaking out in smiles. Gabby got up and hugged each other, smiling brightly. They walked out of the meeting room, arms wrapped each other's shoulders. With that, the meeting was over. Everyone left and I followed Joe into the bunk room. He sat on his bunk, sighing and putting his head in his hands.

I sat beside him. "What's wrong, honey?"

"Nothing," Joe said harshly.

"Well obviously something," I said. "You can tell me. You know that."

Joe shook his head. "No. Let me think it out."

"That's not how relationships work," I said, placing a hand on Joe's shoulder.

He brushed my hand off his shoulder. "No, Naomi. I said leave me alone."

I set my jaw. "Joe, don't do this. Tell me."

Joe looked harshly at me. "You and Otis were talking together the entire ride. You were flirting with him."

I was shocked. "No, I wasn't! We were working on saving people. That's our job, Joe! Don't you dare accuse me of flirting when there wasn't anything there."

Joe shook his head and looked away.

I stood up. "Fine. Be that way. Don't expect me to show up at your place tonight. I'm not into it anymore."

Joe looked back at me but I got up. He called after me but I ignored him. I found a quiet spot to hole up in and think. Joe has never been harsh or yelled at me before. It shook me up a bit. We never fought in our long years of friendship.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when Boden sat beside me. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What?" I asked.

"Is something wrong?" Boden asked. "You're biting your thumb and you didn't respond to my first question."

I shrugged. "It's just something stupid. There's no need to worry over me anyway."

Boden gave me a look of disbelief. "Really? I saw you storm out of the bunk room. Tell me."

I met Boden's gaze. He's been like a father figure since I arrived at Firehouse 51. He had stood by my side and helped me when I was going through hard times. I never had a father and Boden became one.

"It's Joe," I said. "He snapped at me and he's never done that to me. I don't understand that. He's never done that before and we're supposed to be soulmates. I don't know, Boden. What should I do?"

"Talk to Joe," Boden said. "He's your soulmate and you love him a lot. He'll understand if you talk to him."

I rubbed my eyes. "I tried. He won't listen. I'm better off alone."

Boden placed a hand on my leg. "No, Naomi, you aren't. We all care for you. Joe does do but he's going through some stuff and he's taking it out on you. I wouldn't worry. You'll be drawn back to him."

I buried my head into my hand. "I'm not so sure but okay. I'll try to make things work. Just  give me a bit before I do."

Boden nodded and leaned forward, kissing my forehead. "I'll be here if you need to talk, Naomi. You always know that."

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