Personal authors note.

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Hello guiz!

So I'm a bit busy as of right now due to my teachers being impatient fucks. Yes.

I've got loads of my cousins staying with me and let's face love life is a mess.

You, as my readers are entitled to know why I have not updated for a week. So heres a little sneak peek to my shitty personal life

Now, I've liked this guy for about 3 years and until last year, I was always the loser. So I never thought he would like me but apparently, it seems like he does.

There's this new guy with jet black hair and gorgeous green eyes with little freckles all over his nose! Gah! I'm so confused!

Okay ^ I'm sorry you didn't need to know that but teachers and these guys are the reason I'm so confused and haven't been updating.

FOLLOW MEH ON TWITTA: @atl_cheesecake

PLEASE! It's a new account with like 17 followers :/


So how are you guys? Has school started? How is it?

Oh I've also got a new twist aside from zoella's past! And this twist is one that I've never read about in another fanfic so I'm super excited to see what you think of this!

Anyways, I'm truly sorry and I will try my hardest to upload by next week.

Please understand and appreciate the fact that it takes time and effort to write a story.




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