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Episode 3 ~

~ Word Count: 1.8k

Third POV

The caramel brunette was the first to come back home from school before her sister. Which was a first. At school, Ema informed her twin that she will be at the multi-media store to find video games to play for the both of them and maybe CD's that Ema might find for Yuuki.

Yusuke, on the other hand, wanted to come along with Ema, however he had a part-time job he had to attend to.

In the kitchen, Yuuki made herself a healthy snack for her to eat while she studys in her room. Currently, the whole house was quiet and empty. Everyone were out somewhere or mostly at their jobs working.

However, one idol pop star drags their feet to the main room and groans loudly. The noise scared the young girl, almost making her drop the bowl of fruit in her hands. Luckily, she catches all the grapes very quickly.

Yuuki sighs in annoyance and walked over to the main couch with an irritated pout.

"A 'i'm back' greeting would be nice, instead of scaring me and almost dropping my food" Yuuki groaned.

Futo looks up from laying on the couch. The idol teen had a purple jacket and yellow tinted glasses. Yuuki thought it was an odd combo on him.

"That sounds like a you problem" Futo rolls his eyes.

"Why are you wearing that? You look kinda weird" Yuuki blurts.

Futo glared at the caramel brunette, somewhat offended by her rude remark of his attempt to disguise himself.

"Your sister earlier almost exposed me in public while I was at the multi-media store. This is supposed to be my disguise, so now I have to wait for her," Futo points to his fake glasses on his nose.

Yuuki nonchalantly nodded her head. She didn't really care what he had to say.

"That sucks" Yuuki said, unamused.

The caramel brunette started to walk off with the bowl of fruit in her hands to her room. However, someone else decided to follow her as well.

When they got to her room, Yuuki sets her stuff on the floor then laid out all her assignments that she needed to get done. Futo carelessly hops onto her bed and glances around the room.

This was the first time he was in her room. Or in a girl's room in general.

His eyes judges every inch of the room, interested as to how the girl was able to maintain a clean and organized bedroom with the amount of stuff stacked on her shelves or anywhere else.

Then he noticed an odd drawing close to her computer desk. There was also a ukulele hung on the wall across from him that was above a tall black keyboard.

"Ne, can I ask why you followed me here?" Yuuki sighs, with a hand on her hip.

"I was bored and you're the only one here to entertain me" Futo shrugs his shoulders. Another sigh escapes the young girl's lips.

She sits down at her medium sized table on the floor and started to write on her homework.

"Why do you have that weird drawing by your desk?" Futo finally asked, curious.

"Its from Wataru-chan, he drew it for me so that I can think of him whenever i'm not with him" Yuuki replied without looking up from her work.

"Do you play music or something? Because you have a ukulele and piano" Futo points at the piano.

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